Form components are wrappers of similar HTML elements; they can be passed all the necessary attributes.
# Basics
The Form component is designed to create forms.
<x-moonshine::form raw> // form elements</x-moonshine::form>
The component creates html
markup for the future form.
<form class="form" method="POST" x-id="['form']" :id="$id('form')"> <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="UzvlratQiiVwwh393dZx9u1mmcmGxoMtZtBgjkZh" autocomplete="off"> // form elements </form>
The Form component allows you to place buttons in a separate block,
To do this, you need to pass them in the buttons
<x-moonshine::form> <x-moonshine::form.input name="title" placeholder="Title" value="" /> <x-slot:buttons> <x-moonshine::form.button type="reset">Cancel</x-moonshine::form.button> <x-moonshine::form.button class="btn-primary">Submit</x-moonshine::form.button> </x-slot:buttons></x-moonshine::form>
The errors
parameter allows you to display a list of errors.
<x-moonshine::form raw error> // form elements</x-moonshine::form>
If there are several forms on the page, it is recommended to set name
to the form,
to display errors only for a specific form.
<x-moonshine::form raw error name="my-form"> // form elements</x-moonshine::form>
The precognitive
parameter allows you to enable the Precognition mode for the form.
<x-moonshine::form precognitive> // form elements</x-moonshine::form>
# Label
<x-moonshine::form.label name="slug"> Slug</x-moonshine::form.label>
If a field is required, you can pass the required
attribute to style the element.
<x-moonshine::form.label name="title" required> Title</x-moonshine::form.label>
# Input
<x-moonshine::form.input name="title" placeholder="Title" value=""/>
# Checkbox
<x-moonshine::form.label> <x-moonshine::form.input name="property[]" type="checkbox" value="1" /> Property 1 </x-moonshine::form.label>
# Radio
<x-moonshine::form.label> <x-moonshine::form.input name="variant" type="radio" value="1" /> Variant 1 </x-moonshine::form.label>
# Color
<x-moonshine::form.input name="color" type="color" value="#ec4176"/>
# Button
<x-moonshine::form.button>Click me</x-moonshine::form.button>
# Hint
<x-moonshine::form.hint> {{ fake()->sentence() }}</x-moonshine::form.hint>
# File
<x-moonshine::form.file name="file" />
Using the component, you can display previously downloaded files.
<x-moonshine::form.file :files="[ '/images/thumb_1.jpg', '/images/thumb_2.jpg', '/images/thumb_3.jpg' ]" :raw="[ 'thumb_1.jpg', 'thumb_2.jpg', 'thumb_3.jpg' ]" name="images[]" multiple="multiple"/>
- array of url files for output
- array of source data (value stored in the database).
You can pass additional parameters to the component:
- downloading the uploaded file
- removal from the list of downloaded files
- displaying preview images
<x-moonshine::form.file :files="[ '/images/thumb_1.jpg', '/images/thumb_2.jpg', '/images/thumb_3.jpg' ]" :raw="[ 'thumb_1.jpg', 'thumb_2.jpg', 'thumb_3.jpg' ]" name="images[]" multiple="multiple" :download="true" :removable="false" :imageable="false"/>
# Slide range
<x-moonshine::form.slide-range fromName="from" toName="to" fromValue="1000" toValue="9000" min="0" max="10000"/>
# Select
< :values="[ 1 => 'Option 1', 2 => 'Option 2' ]" value="2"/>
or through slot:options
<> <x-slot:options> <option value="1">Option 1</option> <option selected value="2">Option 2</option> </x-slot:options></>
You can combine values into groups.
< :values="[ 'Italy' => [ 1 => 'Rome', 2 => 'Milan' ], 'France' => [ 3 => 'Paris', 4 => 'Marseille' ], ]" :searchable="true"/>
You can pass additional parameters to the component:
- search by values
- may matter NULL
< :values="[ 1 => 'Option 1', 2 => 'Option 2' ]" :nullable="true" :searchable="true"/>
To load values asynchronously, you need to specify the url for the asyncRoute
which will return data in json format.
< asyncRoute='url' />
# Switcher
<x-moonshine::form.switcher :onValue="true" :offValue="false" checked="checked"/>
- active value
- inactive value
# Textarea
<x-moonshine::form.textarea> {{ fake()->text() }}</x-moonshine::form.textarea>