Models Resources

Quick filters (tags)


Sometimes there is a need to create filters (results a selection) a set and display it on the listing. Tags have been created for such situations.

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use MoonShine\QueryTags\QueryTag;
use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
public function queryTags(): array
return [
'Post with author', // Tag Title
fn(Builder $query) => $query->whereNotNull('author_id') // Query builder

query_tags query_tags_dark


You can add an icon to a tag using the icon() method.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use MoonShine\QueryTags\QueryTag;
'Post without an author',
fn(Builder $query) => $query->whereNull('author_id')

For more detailed information, please refer to the section Icons

Active item

You can make QueryTag active by default. To do this, you need to use the default() method.

default(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use MoonShine\QueryTags\QueryTag;
'All posts',
fn(Builder $query) => $query

Display condition

You may want to display tags only under certain conditions, To do this, you can use the canSee() method, which needs to pass a callback function that returns TRUE or FALSE.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use MoonShine\QueryTags\QueryTag;
'Post with author', // Tag title
fn(Builder $query) => $query->whereNotNull('author_id')
->canSee(fn() => auth()->user()->moonshine_user_role_id === 1)


By default, the value for the URL is generated automatically from the label parameter. In this case, all non-Latin alphabet characters are replaced with the corresponding transliteration 'Заголовок' => 'zagolovok'.

The alias() method allows you to set your own value for the URL.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use MoonShine\QueryTags\QueryTag;
'Archived Posts',
fn(Builder $query) => $query->where('is_archived', true)