
Metric Value


The ValueMetric metric is designed to display a value. For example, how many records are in the table.

You can create a ValueMetric using the static make() method.

make(Closure|string $label)

The value() method allows you to specify a value for a metric.

value(int|string|float|Closure $value)
use MoonShine\Metrics\ValueMetric;
public function components(): array
return [
ValueMetric::make('Completed orders')

value_metric value_metric_dark


The progress() method allows you to display a progress indicator for achieving a goal in a metric.

progress(int|float|Closure $target)
use MoonShine\Metrics\ValueMetric;
public function components(): array
return [
ValueMetric::make('Open tasks')

When using a progress bar, the value() method must be passed a numeric value or a closure that will return a number.

value_metric_progress value_metric_progress_dark

Value Format

The valueFormat() method allows you to format the metric value and add a prefix and suffix.

valueFormat(string|Closure $value)
use MoonShine\Metrics\ValueMetric;
public function components(): array
return [
->valueFormat(fn($value) => \Illuminate\Support\Number::forHumans($value))

value_metric_format value_metric_format_dark


The icon() method allows you to add an icon to the metric.

use MoonShine\Metrics\ValueMetric;
public function components(): array
return [

For more detailed information, please refer to the section Icons.

value_metric_icon value_metric_icon_dark

Block width

Method columnSpan() allows you to set the block width in the Grid grid.

int $columnSpan,
int $adaptiveColumnSpan = 12
  • $columnSpan - relevant for desktop
  • $adaptiveColumnSpan - relevant for mobile version.
use App\Models\Article;
use MoonShine\Decorations\Grid;
use MoonShine\Metrics\ValueMetric;
public function components(): array
return [

See the Decoration Layout section for more details.

value_metric_column_span value_metric_column_span_dark