- Basics
- Fields
- Items
- Paginator
- Casting
- Buttons
- Asynchronous mode
- Attributes
- Missing elements
- Simplified style
- Sticky head
- Preview
- Vertical mode
- Adding entries
- Editable
- Sortable
- Column display
Fields and decorations in MoonShine are used inside tables in preview
TableBuilder is responsible for tables.
Using TableBuilder, tables are displayed and filled with data.
You can also use TableBuilder on your own pages or even outside of MoonShine.
TableBuilder::make( Fields|array $fields = [], Paginator|iterable $items = [], ?Paginator $paginator = null)
- fields
- field values
- paginator object
use MoonShine\Components\TableBuilder; TableBuilder::make( [Text::make('Text')], [['text' => 'Value']])
Same thing through methods:
TableBuilder::make() ->fields([Text::make('Text')]) ->items([[ 'text' => 'Value' ]])
Helper table()
is also available:
{!! table() ->fields([Text::make('Text')]) ->items([['text' => 'Value']])!!}
The fields()
method allows you to specify a list of fields to build a table:
TableBuilder::make() ->fields([ Text::make('Text'), ])
The items()
method is used to fill the table with data:
TableBuilder::make() ->fields([Text::make('Text')]) ->items([[ 'text' => 'Value' ]])
The correspondence of data with fields is carried out through the value column fields!
The paginator()
method for the table to work with pagination:
$paginator = Article::paginate(); TableBuilder::make() ->fields([Text::make('Text')]) ->items($paginator->items()) ->paginator($paginator)
Or directly pass the paginator:
TableBuilder::make( items: Article::paginate()) ->fields([Text::make('Text')])
The TableBuilder works with arrays of items;
if you don't have arrays, you need to cast the paginator to arrays:
$paginator = Article::paginate(); TableBuilder::make() ->fields([Text::make('Text')]) ->items($paginator->through(fn($item) => $item->toArray())) ->paginator($paginator)
Or you can use cast()
method instead.
The cast()
method is used to cast table values to a specific type.
Since by default fields work with primitive types:
use MoonShine\TypeCasts\ModelCast; TableBuilder::make(items: User::paginate()) ->fields([Text::make('Email')]) ->cast(ModelCast::make(User::class))
In this example, we cast the data to the User
model format using ModelCast
For more detailed information, please refer to the section TypeCasts
To add new buttons based on ActionButton
, use the buttons()
Buttons will be added for each row, and when bulk()
mode is enabled, they will be displayed in the footer for bulk actions:
TableBuilder::make(items: Article::paginate()) ->fields([ID::make(), Switcher::make('Active')]) ->cast(ModelCast::make(Article::class)) ->buttons([ ActionButton::make('Delete', route('name.delete')), ActionButton::make('Edit', route('name.edit'))->showInDropdown(), ActionButton::make('Go to home', route('home'))->blank()->canSee(fn($data) => $data->active), ActionButton::make('Mass Delete', route('name.mass_delete'))->bulk() ])
Asynchronous mode
If you need to receive data from the table asynchronously (during pagination, sorting), then use the async()
async( ?string $asyncUrl = null, string|array|null $asyncEvents = null, ?string $asyncCallback = null)
- request url
- events called after a successful request
- js callback function after receiving a response
TableBuilder::make() ->async('/async_url')
After a successful request, you can raise events by adding the asyncEvents
TableBuilder::make() ->name('crud') ->async(asyncEvents: ['table-updated-crud', 'form-reset-main-form'])
MoonShine already has a set of ready-made events:
- updating an asynchronous table by its name -
- reset the form values by its name -
- updating a blade fragment by its name
The async()
method must come after the name()
You can set any html attributes for the table using the customAttributes()
TableBuilder::make() ->customAttributes(['class' => 'custom-table'])
You can set any html attributes for table rows and cells:
TableBuilder::make() ->trAttributes(function( mixed $data, int $row, ComponentAttributeBag $attributes ): ComponentAttributeBag { return $attributes->merge(['class' => 'bgc-green']); })
TableBuilder::make() ->tdAttributes( function( mixed $data, int $row, int $cell, ComponentAttributeBag $attributes ): ComponentAttributeBag { return $attributes->merge(['class' => 'bgc-red']); } )
Missing elements
By default, if the table has no data, it will be empty, but you can display the message "No records yet".
To do this, use the withNotFound()
TableBuilder::make() ->withNotFound()
Simplified style
By default, the table is styled as MoonShine,
but using the simple()
method you can display the table in a simplified style:
TableBuilder::make() ->simple()
Sticky head
The sticky()
method allows you to fix the header when scrolling a table with a large number of elements.
TableBuilder::make() ->sticky()
The preview()
method disables the display of buttons and sorts for the table:
TableBuilder::make() ->preview()
Vertical mode
Using the vertical()
method you can display the table in vertical mode:
TableBuilder::make() ->vertical()
Adding entries
Using the creatable()
method, you can create an "Add" button to generate new records in the table:
creatable( bool $reindex = true, ?int $limit = null, ?string $label = null, ?string $icon = null, array $attributes = [], ?ActionButton $button = null)
- editing mode with dynamic name,
- the number of records that can be added
- button name
- button icon
- additional attributes
- custom add button.
TableBuilder::make() ->creatable( icon: 'heroicons.outline.pencil', attributes: ['class' => 'my-class'] ) ->fields([ Text::make('Title'), Text::make('Text') ])->items([ ['title' => 'Value 1', 'text' => 'Value 2'], ['title' => '', 'text' => ''] ])
In append mode, the last element must be empty (the skeleton of the new entry)!
If the table contains fields in edit mode with a dynamic name,
then you need to add a method or parameter reindex
TableBuilder::make() ->creatable(reindex: true)
TableBuilder::make() ->creatable() ->reindex()
If you want to limit the number of records that can be added, you must specify the limit
TableBuilder::make() ->creatable(limit: 6)
Custom add button
TableBuilder::make() ->creatable( button: ActionButton::make('Foo', '#') )
By default, fields in the table are displayed in preview
but if you want to display them as editable form elements,
then you need to use the editable()
TableBuilder::make() ->editable()
To sort rows in a table, use the sortable()
TableBuilder::make() ->sortable( url: '/update_indexes_endpoint', key: 'id', group: 'nested' )
- url handler
- element key
- grouping.
TableBuilder::make() ->sortable( url: '/update_indexes_endpoint', key: 'id', group: 'nested' )
Column display
You can let users decide which columns to display in the table, saving the choice.
To do this, you need to set the resource parameter $columnSelection
columnSelection(string $uniqueId = '')
- unique table Id to save the selection of displayed columns.
TableBuilder::make() ->fields([ Text::make('Title'), Text::make('Text') ]) ->columnSelection('unique-id')
If you need to exclude fields from selection, use the columnSelection()
public function columnSelection(bool $active = true)
TableBuilder::make() ->fields([ Text::make('Title') ->columnSelection(false), Text::make('Text') ]) ->columnSelection('unique-id')