

Extends BelongsToMany

  • has the same features

MorphToMany relationship field in Laravel

Same as MoonShine\Fields\Relationships\BelongsToMany only for MorphToMany relationships MoonShine\Fields\Relationships\MorphToMany.

To create this field, use the static make() method.

MorphToMany::make( Closure|string $label, ?string $relationName = null, Closure|string|null $formatted = null )
Closure|string $label,
?string $relationName = null,
Closure|string|null $formatted = null
Closure|string $label,
?string $relationName = null,
Closure|string|null $formatted = null
  • label - label, field header
  • relationName - name of the relationship
  • formatted - a closure or field in a related table to display values.
use MoonShine\Fields\Relationships\MorphToMany; public function fields(): array { return [ MorphToMany::make('Categories', 'categories') ]; }
use MoonShine\Fields\Relationships\MorphToMany;
public function fields(): array
return [
MorphToMany::make('Categories', 'categories')
use MoonShine\Fields\Relationships\MorphToMany;
public function fields(): array
return [
MorphToMany::make('Categories', 'categories')