


The Select field includes all the basic methods.

use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
'value 1' => 'Option Label 1',
'value 2' => 'Option Label 2'
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
'value 1' => 'Option Label 1',
'value 2' => 'Option Label 2'

select select

Default value

You can use the default() method if you need to specify a default value for a field.

default(mixed $default)
default(mixed $default)
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
'value 1' => 'Option Label 1',
'value 2' => 'Option Label 2'
->default('value 2')
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
'value 1' => 'Option Label 1',
'value 2' => 'Option Label 2'
->default('value 2')


Like all fields, if you need to store NULL, you need to add the nullable() method

nullable(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
nullable(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
'value 1' => 'Option Label 1',
'value 2' => 'Option Label 2'
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
'value 1' => 'Option Label 1',
'value 2' => 'Option Label 2'

select nullable select nullable


The placeholder() method allows you to set placeholder attribute on the field.

placeholder(string $value)
placeholder(string $value)
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country')
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country')


You can combine values into groups.

use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('City', 'city_id')
'Italy' => [
1 => 'Rome',
2 => 'Milan'
'France' => [
3 => 'Paris',
4 => 'Marseille'
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('City', 'city_id')
'Italy' => [
1 => 'Rome',
2 => 'Milan'
'France' => [
3 => 'Paris',
4 => 'Marseille'

select group select group

Selecting Multiple Values

To select multiple values, you need the multiple() method

multiple(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
multiple(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
'value 1' => 'Option Label 1',
'value 2' => 'Option Label 2'
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
'value 1' => 'Option Label 1',
'value 2' => 'Option Label 2'

When using multiple() for the Eloquent model, a field in the database type text or json is required. You also need to add cast - json or array or collection.

select multiple select multiple

If you need to add a search among values, then you need to add the searchable() method.

use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
'value 1' => 'Option Label 1',
'value 2' => 'Option Label 2'
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
'value 1' => 'Option Label 1',
'value 2' => 'Option Label 2'

searchable searchable

Asynchronous search

You can also organize an asynchronous search for the Select field. To do this, you need to pass url to the async() method, to which a request with a query search parameter will be sent.

async(?string $asyncUrl = null)
async(?string $asyncUrl = null)

The returned response with search results must be in json format.

"value": 1,
"label": "Option 1"
"value": 2,
"label": "Option 2"
"value": 1,
"label": "Option 1"
"value": 2,
"label": "Option 2"
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
'value 1' => 'Option Label 1',
'value 2' => 'Option Label 2'
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
'value 1' => 'Option Label 1',
'value 2' => 'Option Label 2'

Editing in preview

The updateOnPreview() method allows you to edit the Select field in preview mode.

updateOnPreview(?Closure $url = null, ?ResourceContract $resource = null, mixed $condition = null)
updateOnPreview(?Closure $url = null, ?ResourceContract $resource = null, mixed $condition = null)

-$url - url for asynchronous request processing, -$resource - model resource referenced by the relationship, -$condition - method run condition.

The settings are not required and must be passed if the field is running out of resource.

use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [

Values with picture

The optionProperties() method allows you to add an image to a value.

optionProperties(Closure|array $data)
optionProperties(Closure|array $data)
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
1 => 'Andorra',
2 => 'United Arab Emirates',
])->optionProperties(fn() => [
1 => ['image' => '/images/ad.png'],
2 => ['image' => '/images/ae.png'],
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
1 => 'Andorra',
2 => 'United Arab Emirates',
])->optionProperties(fn() => [
1 => ['image' => '/images/ad.png'],
2 => ['image' => '/images/ae.png'],

belongs to image belongs to image


All choices options are available to change via data attributes:

use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
1 => 'Andorra',
2 => 'United Arab Emirates',
'data-max-item-count' => 2
use MoonShine\Fields\Select;
public function fields(): array
return [
Select::make('Country', 'country_id')
1 => 'Andorra',
2 => 'United Arab Emirates',
'data-max-item-count' => 2

For more details please contact Choices.

Native mode

The native() method disables the Choices.js library and displays select in native mode.
