

Extends Text

  • has the same features

The Date field is an extension of Text, which by default sets type=date and has additional methods.

use MoonShine\Fields\Date; public function fields(): array { return [ Date::make('Created at', 'created_at') ]; }
use MoonShine\Fields\Date;
public function fields(): array
return [
Date::make('Created at', 'created_at')
use MoonShine\Fields\Date;
public function fields(): array
return [
Date::make('Created at', 'created_at')

Creation date Creation date

Date and time

Using the withTime() method allows you to enter a date and time into a field.

use MoonShine\Fields\Date; public function fields(): array { return [ Date::make('Created at', 'created_at') ->withTime() ]; }
use MoonShine\Fields\Date;
public function fields(): array
return [
Date::make('Created at', 'created_at')
use MoonShine\Fields\Date;
public function fields(): array
return [
Date::make('Created at', 'created_at')

date_time date_time_dark


The format() method allows you to change the display format of the field value in preview.

format(string $format)
format(string $format)
format(string $format)
use MoonShine\Fields\Date; public function fields(): array { return [ Date::make('Created at', 'created_at') ->format('d.m.Y') ]; }
use MoonShine\Fields\Date;
public function fields(): array
return [
Date::make('Created at', 'created_at')
use MoonShine\Fields\Date;
public function fields(): array
return [
Date::make('Created at', 'created_at')