Models Resources

Import / Export


By default, import and export are enabled for all model resources.
To override this behavior, you need to change the moonshine configuration.

'model_resources' => [ 'default_with_import' => false, 'default_with_export' => false, ],
// config/moonshine.php
'model_resources' => [
'default_with_import' => false,
'default_with_export' => false,
// config/moonshine.php
'model_resources' => [
'default_with_import' => false,
'default_with_export' => false,

You can also disable import and export in a resource; for this, the corresponding methods must return null.

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources; use App\Models\Post; use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource; class PostResource extends ModelResource { protected string $model = Post::class; protected string $title = 'Posts'; public function import(): ?ImportHandler { return null; } public function export(): ?ExportHandler { return null; } }
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
public function import(): ?ImportHandler
return null;
public function export(): ?ExportHandler
return null;
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
public function import(): ?ImportHandler
return null;
public function export(): ?ExportHandler
return null;


You can import data into the MoonShine admin panel.


The fields that will participate in the import are required in the model resource, add useOnImport() method.

useOnImport(mixed $condition = null, ?Closure $fromRaw = null)
useOnImport(mixed $condition = null, ?Closure $fromRaw = null)
useOnImport(mixed $condition = null, ?Closure $fromRaw = null)
  • $condition - method execution condition,
  • $fromRaw - a closure that returns values from the raw.
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources; use App\Enums\StatusEnum; use App\Models\Post; use MoonShine\Fields\Enum; use MoonShine\Fields\ID; use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource; class PostResource extends ModelResource { protected string $model = Post::class; protected string $title = 'Posts'; public function fields(): array { return [ ID::make() ->useOnImport(), Enum::make('Status') ->attach(StatusEnum::class) ->useOnImport(fromRaw: static fn(string $raw, Enum $ctx) => StatusEnum::tryFrom($raw)), ]; } }
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Enums\StatusEnum;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Fields\Enum;
use MoonShine\Fields\ID;
use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
public function fields(): array
return [
->useOnImport(fromRaw: static fn(string $raw, Enum $ctx) => StatusEnum::tryFrom($raw)),
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Enums\StatusEnum;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Fields\Enum;
use MoonShine\Fields\ID;
use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
public function fields(): array
return [
->useOnImport(fromRaw: static fn(string $raw, Enum $ctx) => StatusEnum::tryFrom($raw)),

Be sure to add ID to the import, otherwise, records will only be added without updating existing ones.


It is also necessary to implement the import() method in the model resource. The method must return an ImportHandler object that implements the data import algorithm.

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources; use App\Models\Post; use MoonShine\Handlers\ImportHandler; use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource; class PostResource extends ModelResource { protected string $model = Post::class; protected string $title = 'Posts'; public function import(): ?ImportHandler { return ImportHandler::make('Import'); } }
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Handlers\ImportHandler;
use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
public function import(): ?ImportHandler
return ImportHandler::make('Import');
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Handlers\ImportHandler;
use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
public function import(): ?ImportHandler
return ImportHandler::make('Import');

Methods ImportHandler

Optional methods are available to configure import:

use MoonShine\Handlers\ImportHandler; public function import(): ?ImportHandler { return ImportHandler::make('Import') ->notifyUsers(fn() => [auth()->id()]) ->disk('public') ->dir('/imports') ->deleteAfter() ->delimiter(','); }
use MoonShine\Handlers\ImportHandler;
public function import(): ?ImportHandler
return ImportHandler::make('Import')
// Specify the ID of the users who will receive a notification about the end of the operation
->notifyUsers(fn() => [auth()->id()])
// Disc selection
// Selecting a directory to save the import file
// Delete file after import
// Separator for csv
use MoonShine\Handlers\ImportHandler;
public function import(): ?ImportHandler
return ImportHandler::make('Import')
// Specify the ID of the users who will receive a notification about the end of the operation
->notifyUsers(fn() => [auth()->id()])
// Disc selection
// Selecting a directory to save the import file
// Delete file after import
// Separator for csv

If the import() method returns NULL, then the import button will not appear on the index page.


To change the import logic, you can use events of the model resource.

public function beforeImportFilling(array $data): array { return $data; } public function beforeImported(Model $item): Model { return $item; } public function afterImported(Model $item): Model { return $item; }
// MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource
public function beforeImportFilling(array $data): array
return $data;
public function beforeImported(Model $item): Model
return $item;
public function afterImported(Model $item): Model
return $item;
// MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource
public function beforeImportFilling(array $data): array
return $data;
public function beforeImported(Model $item): Model
return $item;
public function afterImported(Model $item): Model
return $item;

These events are called in ImportHandler

$data = $resource->beforeImportFilling($data); $item->forceFill($data); $item = $resource->beforeImported($item); return tap( $item->save(), fn() => $resource->afterImported($item) );
// MoonShine\Handlers\ImportHandler
$data = $resource->beforeImportFilling($data);
$item = $resource->beforeImported($item);
return tap(
fn() => $resource->afterImported($item)
// MoonShine\Handlers\ImportHandler
$data = $resource->beforeImportFilling($data);
$item = $resource->beforeImported($item);
return tap(
fn() => $resource->afterImported($item)


In the MoonShine admin panel you can export all data taking into account the current filtering and sorting.

By default, data is exported in xlsx format, but there is an option to change the format to csv globally or through the csv() method of the class ExportHandler.

Global export format

You can change the export format globally in MoonShineServiceProvider:

use MoonShine\Providers\MoonShineApplicationServiceProvider; use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource; class MoonShineServiceProvider extends MoonShineApplicationServiceProvider { public function boot(): void { parent::boot(); ModelResource::defaultExportToCsv(); } }
use MoonShine\Providers\MoonShineApplicationServiceProvider;
use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;
class MoonShineServiceProvider extends MoonShineApplicationServiceProvider
public function boot(): void
use MoonShine\Providers\MoonShineApplicationServiceProvider;
use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;
class MoonShineServiceProvider extends MoonShineApplicationServiceProvider
public function boot(): void


Only those fields that have the showOnExport() method added will participate in the export.

showOnExport(mixed $condition = null, ?Closure $modifyRawValue = null)
showOnExport(mixed $condition = null, ?Closure $modifyRawValue = null)
showOnExport(mixed $condition = null, ?Closure $modifyRawValue = null)
  • $condition - method execution condition,
  • $modifyRawValue - closure to get the raw value.
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources; use App\Enums\StatusEnum; use App\Models\Post; use MoonShine\Fields\Enum; use MoonShine\Fields\Text; use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource; class PostResource extends ModelResource { protected string $model = Post::class; protected string $title = 'Posts'; public function fields(): array { return [ Text::make('Title', 'title') ->showOnExport(), Enum::make('Status') ->attach(StatusEnum::class) ->showOnExport(modifyRawValue: static fn(StatusEnum $raw, Enum $ctx) => $raw->value), ]; } }
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Enums\StatusEnum;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Fields\Enum;
use MoonShine\Fields\Text;
use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
public function fields(): array
return [
Text::make('Title', 'title')
->showOnExport(modifyRawValue: static fn(StatusEnum $raw, Enum $ctx) => $raw->value),
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Enums\StatusEnum;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Fields\Enum;
use MoonShine\Fields\Text;
use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
public function fields(): array
return [
Text::make('Title', 'title')
->showOnExport(modifyRawValue: static fn(StatusEnum $raw, Enum $ctx) => $raw->value),


It is also necessary to implement the export() method in the model resource. The method must return an ExportHandler object that implements the data export algorithm.

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources; use App\Models\Post; use MoonShine\Handlers\ExportHandler; use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource; class PostResource extends ModelResource { protected string $model = Post::class; protected string $title = 'Posts'; public function export(): ?ExportHandler { return ExportHandler::make('Export'); } }
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Handlers\ExportHandler;
use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
public function export(): ?ExportHandler
return ExportHandler::make('Export');
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Handlers\ExportHandler;
use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
public function export(): ?ExportHandler
return ExportHandler::make('Export');

Methods ExportHandler

Optional methods are available to configure export:

use MoonShine\Handlers\ExportHandler; public function export(): ?ExportHandler { return ExportHandler::make('Export') ->notifyUsers(fn() => [auth()->id()]) ->disk('public') ->filename(sprintf('export_%s', date('Ymd-His'))) ->dir('/exports') ->csv() ->delimiter(',') ->withConfirm(); }
use MoonShine\Handlers\ExportHandler;
public function export(): ?ExportHandler
return ExportHandler::make('Export')
// Specify the ID of the users who will receive a notification about the end of the operation
->notifyUsers(fn() => [auth()->id()])
// Disc selection
// File name
->filename(sprintf('export_%s', date('Ymd-His')))
// Selecting the directory for saving the export file
// If you need to export in csv format
// Separator for csv
// Export with confirmation
use MoonShine\Handlers\ExportHandler;
public function export(): ?ExportHandler
return ExportHandler::make('Export')
// Specify the ID of the users who will receive a notification about the end of the operation
->notifyUsers(fn() => [auth()->id()])
// Disc selection
// File name
->filename(sprintf('export_%s', date('Ymd-His')))
// Selecting the directory for saving the export file
// If you need to export in csv format
// Separator for csv
// Export with confirmation

If the export() method returns NULL, then the export button will not appear on the index page.

Handler methods

ImportHandler and ExportHandler extend the base class Handler that implements additional methods.


icon(string $icon)
// icon for button
icon(string $icon)
// icon for button
icon(string $icon)


// run processes in the background
// run processes in the background


when($value = null, callable $callback = null, callable $default = null)
// conditional methods
when($value = null, callable $callback = null, callable $default = null)
// conditional methods
when($value = null, callable $callback = null, callable $default = null)

$value - condition,
$callback - callback function that will be executed if the condition is true TRUE,
$default - callback function that will be executed if the condition is true FALSE.

use MoonShine\Handlers\ImportHandler; public function import(): ?ImportHandler { return ImportHandler::make('Import') ->when( true, fn($handler) => $handler->delimiter(','), fn($handler) => $handler->delimiter(';') ); }
use MoonShine\Handlers\ImportHandler;
public function import(): ?ImportHandler
return ImportHandler::make('Import')
fn($handler) => $handler->delimiter(','),
fn($handler) => $handler->delimiter(';')
use MoonShine\Handlers\ImportHandler;
public function import(): ?ImportHandler
return ImportHandler::make('Import')
fn($handler) => $handler->delimiter(','),
fn($handler) => $handler->delimiter(';')


unless($value = null, callable $callback = null, callable $default = null)
// conditional methods
unless($value = null, callable $callback = null, callable $default = null)
// conditional methods
unless($value = null, callable $callback = null, callable $default = null)

$value - condition,
$callback - callback function that will be executed if the condition is true FALSE,
$default - callback function that will be executed if the condition is true TRUE.

The unless() method is the when() method the inverse.

Custom implementation

There may be a situation where you want to change your import or export implementation. To do this, you need to implement your own class extending ImportHandler or ExportHandler.

The class can be generated using the console command:

php artisan moonshine:handler
php artisan moonshine:handler
php artisan moonshine:handler

After executing the command, a base handler class will be created in the app/MoonShine/Handlers directory.