
Decoration Modal


The Modal decorator allows you to create modal windows. You can create Modal using the static method make().

make( Closure|string $title, Closure|View|string $content, Closure|View|ActionButton|string $outer = '', Closure|string|null $asyncUrl = '', MoonShineRenderElements|null $components = null )
Closure|string $title,
Closure|View|string $content,
Closure|View|ActionButton|string $outer = '',
Closure|string|null $asyncUrl = '',
MoonShineRenderElements|null $components = null
  • $title - modal window title,
  • $content - modal window content,
  • $outer - external block with window call handler,
  • $asyncUrl - url for asynchronous content,
  • $components - components for a modal window.
use MoonShine\ActionButtons\ActionButton; use MoonShine\Components\FormBuilder; use MoonShine\Components\Modal; use MoonShine\Fields\Password; use MoonShine\Pages\PageComponents; //... public function components(): array { return [ Modal::make( title: 'Confirm', outer: ActionButton::make('Show modal', '#'), components: PageComponents::make([ FormBuilder::make(route('password.confirm')) ->async() ->fields([ Password::make('Password')->eye(), ]) ->submit('Confirm'), ]) ) ]; } //...
use MoonShine\ActionButtons\ActionButton;
use MoonShine\Components\FormBuilder;
use MoonShine\Components\Modal;
use MoonShine\Fields\Password;
use MoonShine\Pages\PageComponents;
public function components(): array
return [
title: 'Confirm',
outer: ActionButton::make('Show modal', '#'),
components: PageComponents::make([


You can open or close a modal window not using component via javascript events. To have access to events, you must set a unique name for the modal window using the name() method.

use MoonShine\ActionButtons\ActionButton; use MoonShine\Components\Modal; //... public function components(): array { return [ Modal::make( 'Title', 'Content...', ) ->name('my-modal'), ]; } //...
use MoonShine\ActionButtons\ActionButton;
use MoonShine\Components\Modal;
public function components(): array
return [

calling an event via ActionButton

The modal window event can be triggered using the ActionButton component.

use MoonShine\Components\Modal; //... public function components(): array { return [ Modal::make( 'Title', 'Content...', ) ->name('my-modal'), ActionButton::make( 'Show modal', '#' ) ->toggleModal('my-modal') // or async ActionButton::make( 'Show modal', '/endpoint' ) ->async(events: ['modal-toggled-my-modal']) ]; } //...
use MoonShine\Components\Modal;
public function components(): array
return [
'Show modal',
// or async
'Show modal',
->async(events: ['modal-toggled-my-modal'])

calling an event using native methods

Events can be triggered using native javascript methods:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { this.dispatchEvent(new Event("modal-toggled-my-modal")) })
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("modal-toggled-my-modal"))

calling an event using the Alpine.js method

Or using the magic $dispatch() method from Alpine.js:


More detailed information can be obtained from the official Alpine.js documentation in the sections Events and $dispatch.

Default state

The open() method allows you to open a modal window when loading the page.

open(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
open(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
use MoonShine\Components\Modal; //... public function components(): array { return [ Modal::make('Title', 'Content...', view('path')) ->open(), ]; } //...
use MoonShine\Components\Modal;
public function components(): array
return [
Modal::make('Title', 'Content...', view('path'))

By default, the modal window will remain closed when the page loads..

Click outside

By default, a modal window closes when clicked outside the window area.The closeOutside() method allows you to override this behavior.

use MoonShine\Components\Modal; //... public function components(): array { return [ Modal::make('Title', 'Content...', ActionButton::make('Show modal', '#')) ->closeOutside(false), ]; } //...
use MoonShine\Components\Modal;
public function components(): array
return [
Modal::make('Title', 'Content...', ActionButton::make('Show modal', '#'))

Auto close

By default, modal windows close after a successful request the autoClose() method allows you to control this behavior.

autoClose(Closure|bool|null $autoClose = null)
autoClose(Closure|bool|null $autoClose = null)
use MoonShine\Components\Modal; //... public function components(): array { return [ Modal::make( 'Demo modal', static fn() => FormBuilder::make(route('')) ->fields([ Text::make('Text'), ]) ->submit('Send', ['class' => 'btn-primary']) ->async(), ) ->name('demo-modal') ->autoClose(false), ]; } //...
use MoonShine\Components\Modal;
public function components(): array
return [
'Demo modal',
static fn() => FormBuilder::make(route(''))
->submit('Send', ['class' => 'btn-primary'])



The wide() method of the Modal component sets the maximum width of the modal window.

wide(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
wide(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
use MoonShine\Components\Modal; //... public function components(): array { return [ Modal::make('Title', 'Content...', ActionButton::make('Show modal', '#')) ->wide(), ]; } //...
use MoonShine\Components\Modal;
public function components(): array
return [
Modal::make('Title', 'Content...', ActionButton::make('Show modal', '#'))


The auto() method of the Modal component sets the width of the modal window based on the content.

auto(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
auto(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
use MoonShine\Components\Modal; //... public function components(): array { return [ Modal::make('Title', 'Content...', ActionButton::make('Show modal', '#')) ->auto(), ]; } //...
use MoonShine\Components\Modal;
public function components(): array
return [
Modal::make('Title', 'Content...', ActionButton::make('Show modal', '#'))


Modal::make('Title', '', ActionButton::make('Show modal', '#'), asyncUrl: '/endpoint'),
Modal::make('Title', '', ActionButton::make('Show modal', '#'), asyncUrl: '/endpoint'),

The request will be sent once, but if you need to send a request every time you open it, then use the data-always-load attribute

Modal::make(...) ->customAttributes(['data-always-load' => true]),
->customAttributes(['data-always-load' => true]),

Outer attributes

The outerAttributes() method allows you to set additional attributes for the outer $outer block.

outerAttributes(array $attributes)
outerAttributes(array $attributes)
use MoonShine\Components\Modal; //... public function components(): array { return [ Modal::make('Title', 'Content...', ActionButton::make('Show modal', '#')) ->outerAttributes([ 'class' => 'mt-2' ]), ]; } //...
use MoonShine\Components\Modal;
public function components(): array
return [
Modal::make('Title', 'Content...', ActionButton::make('Show modal', '#'))
'class' => 'mt-2'