- Form and events
- View component with AlpineJs
- Vite build connection
- Custom buttons
- HasOne through the Template field
- Changing breadcrumbs from a resource
- Index page via CardsBuilder
- Sorting for CardsBuilder
- updateOnPreview for pivot fields
- Parent ID in HasMany
- TinyMce number of characters in preview
- Changing the behavior logic of the Image field to save paths to images in a separate database table
- Saving images in a linked table
- Custom select filter
- Async metrics
- Form and events
- View component with AlpineJs
- Vite build connection
- Custom buttons
- HasOne through the Template field
- Changing breadcrumbs from a resource
- Index page via CardsBuilder
- Sorting for CardsBuilder
- updateOnPreview for pivot fields
- Parent ID in HasMany
- TinyMce number of characters in preview
- Changing field logic
- Saving images in a linked table
- Custom select filter
- Async metrics
Form and events
Upon a successful request, the form updates the table and resets the values.
Block::make([ FormBuilder::make(route('form-table.store')) ->fields([ Text::make('Title') ]) ->name('main-form') ->async(asyncEvents: ['table-updated-main-table','form-reset-main-form'])]), TableBuilder::make() ->fields([ ID::make(), Text::make('Title'), Textarea::make('Body'), ]) ->creatable() ->items(Post::query()->paginate()) ->name('main-table') ->async()
Let's also look at how to add your own events
<div x-data="" @my-event.window="alert()"></div>
<div x-data="my" @my-event.window="asyncRequest"></div> <script> document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => { Alpine.data("my", () => ({ init() { }, asyncRequest() { this.$event.preventDefault() // this.$el // this.$root } })) })</script>
FormBuilder::make(route('form-table.store')) ->fields([ Text::make('Title') ]) ->name('main-form') ->async(asyncEvents: ['my-event'])
View component with AlpineJs
We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with AlpineJs and use the full power of this js framework.
You can use its reactivity, let's see how to conveniently create a component.
<div x-data="myComponent"></div> <script> document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => { Alpine.data("myComponent", () => ({ init() { }, })) })</script>
Vite build connection
Let's add one compiled using Vite build.
public function indexButtons(): array{ $resource = new CommentResource(); return [ ActionButton::make('Custom button', static fn ($data): string => to_page( page: $resource->formPage(), resource: $resource, params: ['resourceItem' => $data->getKey()] )) ];}
Custom buttons
Let's add custom buttons to the index table.
public function indexButtons(): array{ $resource = new CommentResource(); return [ ActionButton::make('Custom button', static fn ($data): string => to_page( page: $resource->formPage(), resource: $resource, params: ['resourceItem' => $data->getKey()] )) ];}
HasOne through the Template field
An example of implementing the HasOne relationship through the Template
use MoonShine\Fields\Template; //... public function fields(): array{ return [ Template::make('Comment') ->changeFill(fn (Article $data) => $data->comment) ->changePreview(fn($data) => $data?->id ?? '-') ->fields((new CommentResource())->getFormFields()) ->changeRender(function (?Comment $data, Template $field) { $fields = $field->preparedFields(); $fields->fill($data?->toArray() ?? [], $data ?? new Comment()); return Components::make($fields); }) ->onAfterApply(function (Article $item, array $value) { $item->comment()->updateOrCreate([ 'id' => $value['id'] ], $value); return $item; }) ];} //...
Changing breadcrumbs from a resource
You can change page breadcrumbs directly from the resource.
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources; use App\Models\Post;use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource; class PostResource extends ModelResource{ //... protected function onBoot(): void { $this->formPage() ->setBreadcrumbs([ '#' => $this->title() ]); } //...}
Index page via CardsBuilder
Let's change the display of elements on the index page through the CardsBuilder component.
class MoonShineUserIndexPage extends IndexPage{ public function listComponentName(): string { return 'index-cards'; } public function listEventName(): string { return 'cards-updated'; } protected function itemsComponent(iterable $items, Fields $fields): MoonShineRenderable { return CardsBuilder::make($items, $fields) ->cast($this->getResource()->getModelCast()) ->name($this->listComponentName()) ->async() ->overlay() ->title('email') ->subtitle('name') ->url(fn ($user) => $this->getResource()->formPageUrl($user)) ->thumbnail(fn ($user) => asset($user->avatar)) ->buttons($this->getResource()->getIndexItemButtons()); }}
Sorting for CardsBuilder
Let's create a sorting for the CardsBuilder component:
Select::make('Sorts')->options([ 'created_at' => 'Date', 'id' => 'ID',]) ->onChangeMethod('reSort', events: ['cards-updated-cards']) ->setValue(session('sort_column') ?: 'created_at'), CardsBuilder::make( items: Article::query()->with('author') ->when( session('sort_column'), fn($q) => $q->orderBy(session('sort_column'), session('sort_direction', 'asc')), fn($q) => $q->latest() ) ->paginate()) ->name('cards') ->async() ->cast(ModelCast::make(Article::class)) ->title('title') ->url(fn($data) => (new ArticleResource())->formPageUrl($data)) ->overlay() ->columnSpan(4) , // ... public function reSort(MoonShineRequest $request): void{ session()->put('sort_column', $request->get('value')); session()->put('sort_direction', 'ASC');}
updateOnPreview for pivot fields
Implementation via asyncMethod of the method for changing the pivot field on the index page:
public function fields(): array{ return [ Grid::make([ Column::make([ ID::make()->sortable(), Text::make('Team title')->required(), Number::make('Team number'), BelongsTo::make('Tournament', resource: new TournamentResource()) ->searchable(), ]), Column::make([ BelongsToMany::make('Users', resource: new UserResource()) ->fields([ Switcher::make('Approved') ->updateOnPreview(MoonShineRouter::asyncMethodClosure( 'updatePivot', params: fn($data) => ['parent' => $data->pivot->tournamen_team_id] )), ]) ->searchable(), ]) ]) ];} public function updatePivot(MoonShineRequest $request): MoonShineJsonResponse{ $item = TournamentTeam::query() ->findOrFail($request->get('parent')); $column = (string) $request->str('field')->remove('pivot.'); $item->users()->updateExistingPivot($request->get('resourceItem'), [ $column => $request->get('value'), ]); return MoonShineJsonResponse::make() ->toast('Success');}
Parent ID in HasMany
The HasMany connection stores file data that needs to be saved in a directory by parent id.
use App\Models\PostImage;use MoonShine\Fields\ID;use MoonShine\Fields\Image;use MoonShine\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource;use MoonShine\Traits\Resource\ResourceWithParent; class PostImageResource extends ModelResource{ use ResourceWithParent; public string $model = PostImage::class; protected function getParentResourceClassName(): string { return PostResource::class; } protected function getParentRelationName(): string { return 'post'; } public function fields(): array { return [ ID::make(), Image::make('Path') ->when( $parentId = $this->getParentId(), fn(Image $image) => $image->dir('post_images/'.$parentId) ) , BelongsTo::make('Post', 'post', resource: new PostResource()) ]; } //...}
TinyMce number of characters in preview
Sometimes it is necessary to display the TinyMce field in the preview with a limited number of characters. To do this, you can use the changePreview()
public function fields(): array{ return [ TinyMce::make('Description') ->changePreview(fn(string $text) => str($text)->stripTags()->limit(10)) ];} //...}
Changing the behavior logic of the Image field to save paths to images in a separate database table
- To solve this problem, you need to block the
method and moved the logic toonAfterApply()
. This will get the parent model on the creation page. We will have access to the model and we will be able to work with its relationships. - The
method stores and retrieves old and current values, also cleaning deleted files. - After deleting the parent record, the
method deletes the downloaded files.
use MoonShine\Fields\Image; //... Image::make('Images', 'images') ->multiple() ->removable() ->changeFill(function (Model $data, Image $field) { // return $data->images->pluck('file'); // or raw return DB::table('images')->pluck('file'); }) ->onApply(function (Model $data) { // block onApply return $data; }) ->onAfterApply(function (Model $data, false|array $values, Image $field) { // $field->getRemainingValues(); values that remained in the form taking into account deletions // $field->toValue(); current images // $field->toValue()->diff($field->getRemainingValues()) deleted images if($values !== false) { foreach ($values as $value) { DB::table('images')->insert([ 'file' => $field->store($value), ]); } } foreach ($field->toValue()->diff($field->getRemainingValues()) as $removed) { DB::table('images')->where('file', $removed)->delete(); Storage::disk('public')->delete($removed); } // or $field->removeExcludedFiles(); return $data; }) ->onAfterDestroy(function (Model $data, mixed $values, Image $field) { foreach ($values as $value) { Storage::disk('public')->delete($value); } return $data; }) //...
The code comments out the relation option and provides an example of natively obtaining file paths from another table.
Saving images in a linked table
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;use MoonShine\Fields\Image; // ... Image::make('Images', 'images') ->multiple() ->removable() ->changeFill(function (Model $data, Image $field) { // return $data->images->pluck('file'); // or raw return DB::table('images')->pluck('file'); }) ->onApply(function (Model $data) { // block onApply return $data; }) ->onAfterApply(function (Model $data, false|array $values, Image $field) { // $field->getRemainingValues(); values that remained in the form taking into account deletions // $field->toValue(); current images // $field->toValue()->diff($field->getRemainingValues()) deleted images if($values !== false) { foreach ($values as $value) { DB::table('images')->insert([ 'file' => $field->store($value), ]); } } foreach ($field->toValue()->diff($field->getRemainingValues()) as $removed) { DB::table('images')->where('file', $removed)->delete(); Storage::disk('public')->delete($removed); } // or $field->removeExcludedFiles(); return $data; }) ->onAfterDestroy(function (Model $data, mixed $values, Image $field) { foreach ($values as $value) { Storage::disk('public')->delete($value); } return $data; })
Custom select filter
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources; use MoonShine\Resources\ModelResource; class PostResource extends ModelResource{ //... public function filters(): array { return [ Select::make('Activity status', 'active') ->options([ '0' => 'Only NOT active', '1' => 'Only active', ]) ->nullable() ->onApply(fn(Builder $query, $value) => $query->where('active', $value)), ]; } //...}
Async metrics
Metrics with form parameters
$startDate = request()->date('_form.start_date');$endDate = request()->date('_form.end_date'); FormBuilder::make() ->dispatchEvent(AlpineJs::event(JsEvent::FRAGMENT_UPDATED, 'metrics')) ->fields([ Flex::make([ Date::make('Start date'), Date::make('End date'), ]), ]), Fragment::make([ FlexibleRender::make("$startDate - $endDate"), LineChartMetric::make('Orders') ->line([ 'Profit' => Order::query() ->selectRaw('SUM(price) as sum, DATE_FORMAT(created_at, "%d.%m.%Y") as date') ->whereBetween('created_at', [$startDate, $endDate]) ->groupBy('date') ->pluck('sum', 'date') ->toArray(), ]) ->line([ 'Avg' => Order::query() ->selectRaw('AVG(price) as avg, DATE_FORMAT(created_at, "%d.%m.%Y") as date') ->whereBetween('created_at', [$startDate, $endDate]) ->groupBy('date') -> pluck('avg', 'date') ->toArray(), ], '#EC4176'),])->name('metrics'),