
By default in MoonShine, fields operate on primitive types and do not know anything about models. This was done so that the system was not tied only to models, and the fields could, depending on the situation have access to both raw data and typed data

TypeCast for models is already included in the MoonShine box, but if you need work with another data type, you will need an object that implements the MoonShineDataCast interface

namespace MoonShine\Contracts;
interface MoonShineDataCast
public function getClass(): string;
public function hydrate(array $data): mixed;
public function dehydrate(mixed $data): array;

Let's take a look at the TypeCast example for models

namespace MoonShine\TypeCasts;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use MoonShine\Contracts\MoonShineDataCast;
final class ModelCast implements MoonShineDataCast
public function __construct(
protected string $class
) {
public function getClass(): string
return $this->class;
public function hydrate(array $data): mixed
return (new ($this->getClass())($data));
public function dehydrate(mixed $data): array
return $data->attributesToArray();

Well, its application in FormBuilder/TableBuilder

use MoonShine\TypeCasts\ModelCast;
TableBuilder::make(items: User::paginate())
use MoonShine\TypeCasts\ModelCast;
->fillCast(User::query()->first(), ModelCast::make(User::class))