
Can be changed in the configuration file config/moonshine.php.

return [
# Admin panel title
'title' => env('MOONSHINE_TITLE', 'MoonShine'),
# You can change the logo by specifying the path (example - /images/logo.svg)
'logo' => env('MOONSHINE_LOGO'),
'logo_small' => env('MOONSHINE_LOGO_SMALL'),

# Main theme

theme() method in the MoonShineServiceProvider provider allows you to configure the MoonShine admin panel theme.

* @return array{css: string, colors: array, darkColors: array}
protected function theme(): array

If necessary, you can create your own css file that will replace the system one.

class MoonShineServiceProvider extends MoonShineApplicationServiceProvider
protected function theme(): array
return [
'css' => 'path_to_theme.css'

You can also use a closure based on the current request to configure a topic.

class MoonShineServiceProvider extends MoonShineApplicationServiceProvider
protected function theme(): Closure
return static function (MoonShineRequest $request) {
return [

It will be useful if you decide to use multi tenancy or if you have both the web and admin parts implemented on MoonShine.

# Color scheme

If you need to override certain light scheme colors, then from method theme() you need to return an array containing key colors.

class MoonShineServiceProvider extends MoonShineApplicationServiceProvider
protected function theme(): array
return [
'colors' => [
'primary' => '#0000',
'secondary' => 'rgb(120, 67, 233)',

When specifying a color, you can use hex or rgb.

The colors in the dark theme are determined by the darkColors array key.

class MoonShineServiceProvider extends MoonShineApplicationServiceProvider
protected function theme(): array
return [
'darkColors' => [
'body' => 'rgb(27, 37, 59)',

All available default values and colors:

class MoonShineServiceProvider extends MoonShineApplicationServiceProvider
protected function theme(): array
return [
'colors' => [
'primary' => 'rgb(120, 67, 233)',
'secondary' => 'rgb(236, 65, 118)',
'body' => 'rgb(27, 37, 59)',
'dark' => [
'DEFAULT' => 'rgb(30, 31, 67)',
50 => 'rgb(83, 103, 132)',
100 => 'rgb(74, 90, 121)',
200 => 'rgb(65, 81, 114)',
300 => 'rgb(53, 69, 103)',
400 => 'rgb(48, 61, 93)',
500 => 'rgb(41, 53, 82)',
600 => 'rgb(40, 51, 78)',
700 => 'rgb(39, 45, 69)',
800 => 'rgb(27, 37, 59)',
900 => 'rgb(15, 23, 42)',
'success-bg' => 'rgb(0, 170, 0)',
'success-text' => 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
'warning-bg' => 'rgb(255, 220, 42)',
'warning-text' => 'rgb(139, 116, 0)',
'error-bg' => 'rgb(224, 45, 45)',
'error-text' => 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
'info-bg' => 'rgb(0, 121, 255)',
'info-text' => 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
'darkColors' => [
'body' => 'rgb(27, 37, 59)',
'success-bg' => 'rgb(17, 157, 17)',
'success-text' => 'rgb(178, 255, 178)',
'warning-bg' => 'rgb(225, 169, 0)',
'warning-text' => 'rgb(255, 255, 199)',
'error-bg' => 'rgb(190, 10, 10)',
'error-text' => 'rgb(255, 197, 197)',
'info-bg' => 'rgb(38, 93, 205)',
'info-text' => 'rgb(179, 220, 255)',

# Color manager

The Color Manager in the MoonShine admin panel allows you to manage your color scheme more conveniently.

class MoonShineServiceProvider extends MoonShineApplicationServiceProvider
public function boot(): void

You can change the color array key through a magic method, for example if you need to change the color of success-bg in a dark theme.

keyName(string $value, string $shade, string $dark)
  • keyName - key in color array;
  • $value - color value;
  • $shade - color tint (optional parameter);
  • $dark - dark theme, default light theme (optional parameter).
moonshineColors()->successBg('#000000', dark: true);

# Favicons

To change favicons in the MoonShine admin panel, you need to override the corresponding template.

To do this, run the console command and select Favicons.

php artisan moonshine:publish

Для выбора соответствующего пункта необходимо использовать клавишу пробел.

Or copy the file vendor/moonshine/moonshine/resources/views/layouts/shared/favicon.blade.php in resources/views/vendor/moonshine/layouts/shared/favicon.blade.php.

Then change the file links in this template to point to your own favicons.

# Minimalistic theme

For a minimal theme you need to add a style file, set colors and set the theme-minimalistic class to the body tag.

// app/Providers/MoonShineServiceProvider.php
public function boot(): void
->body('249, 250, 251')
->dark('30, 31, 67', 'DEFAULT')
->dark('249, 250, 251', 50)
->dark('243, 244, 246', 100)
->dark('229, 231, 235', 200)
->dark('209, 213, 219', 300)
->dark('156, 163, 175', 400)
->dark('107, 114, 128', 500)
->dark('75, 85, 99', 600)
->dark('55, 65, 81', 700)
->dark('31, 41, 55', 800)
->dark('17, 24, 39', 900)
->successBg('209, 255, 209')
->successText('15, 99, 15')
->warningBg('255, 246, 207')
->warningText('92, 77, 6')
->errorBg('255, 224, 224')
->errorText('81, 20, 20')
->infoBg('196, 224, 255')
->infoText('34, 65, 124');
->body('27, 37, 59', dark: true)
->dark('83, 103, 132', 50, dark: true)
->dark('74, 90, 121', 100, dark: true)
->dark('65, 81, 114', 200, dark: true)
->dark('53, 69, 103', 300, dark: true)
->dark('48, 61, 93', 400, dark: true)
->dark('41, 53, 82', 500, dark: true)
->dark('40, 51, 78', 600, dark: true)
->dark('39, 45, 69', 700, dark: true)
->dark('27, 37, 59', 800, dark: true)
->dark('15, 23, 42', 900, dark: true)
->successBg('17, 157, 17', dark: true)
->successText('178, 255, 178', dark: true)
->warningBg('225, 169, 0', dark: true)
->warningText('255, 255, 199', dark: true)
->errorBg('190, 10, 10', dark: true)
->errorText('255, 197, 197', dark: true)
->infoBg('38, 93, 205', dark: true)
->infoText('179, 220, 255', dark: true);
// app/MoonShine/MoonShineLayout.php