Carousel Component

# Make

The Carousel component allows you to create image carousel.

You can create a Carousel using the static method make() class Carousel.

Closure|string $alt = '',
Closure|string|array $items = '',
Closure|boolean $portrait = false
  • $alt - attribute holds a textual replacement for the image,
  • $items - images,
  • $portrait - portrait orientation
use MoonShine\Components\Carousel;
public function components(): array
return [
alt: fake()->sentence(3),
items: ['/images/image_2.jpg','/images/image_1.jpg'],
portrait: false

# Images

To add an images carousel to a card, you can use the items() method.

items(Closure|string|array $value)
  • $value - url of the image or array urls of image or closure.
alt: fake()->sentence(3),

# Portrait orientation

To use a carousel with vertical images, add a parameter portrait: true to make() method.

bool portrait = false
alt: fake()->sentence(3),
portrait: true