Decoration Offcanvas

# Make

The Offcanvas decorator allows you to create sidebars.

You can create Offcanvas using the static make() method.

make(Closure|string $title, Closure|View|string $content, Closure|string $toggler = '', Closure|string|null $asyncUrl = '')
  • $title - sidebar title,
  • $content - sidebar content,
  • $toggler - title for button,
  • $asyncUrl - url for asynchronous content.
use MoonShine\Components\FormBuilder;
use MoonShine\Components\Offcanvas;
use MoonShine\Fields\Password;
public function components(): array
return [
static fn() => FormBuilder::make(route('password.confirm'))
'Show canvas'

# Events

You can show or hide a sidebar not from a component through javascript events.
To have access to events, you must set a unique name for the sidebar using the name() method.

use MoonShine\Components\Offcanvas;
public function components(): array
return [
calling an event via ActionButton

The sidebar event can be triggered using the ActionButton component.

use MoonShine\Components\Offcanvas;
public function components(): array
return [
'Show canvas',
->async(events: ['offcanvas-toggled-my-canvas'])
calling an event using native methods

Events can be triggered using native javascript methods:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("offcanvas-toggled-my-canvas"))
calling an event using the Alpine.js method

Or use the magic $dispatch() method from Alpine.js:


More detailed information can be obtained from the official Alpine.js documentation in the sections Events and $dispatch .

# Default state

The open() method allows you to show the sidebar when the page loads.

open(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
use MoonShine\Components\Offcanvas;
public function components(): array
return [
Offcanvas::make('Title', 'Content...', 'Show canvas')

By default, the sidebar will be hidden when the page loads.

# Position

By default, the sidebar is located on the right side of the screen, the left() method allows you to position the panel on the left side.

left(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
use MoonShine\Components\Offcanvas;
public function components(): array
return [
Offcanvas::make('Title', 'Content...', 'Show canvas')

# Toggler attributes

The toggler Attributes() method allows you to set additional attributes for the $toggler toggle.

togglerAttributes(array $attributes)
use MoonShine\Components\Offcanvas;
public function components(): array
return [
Offcanvas::make('Title', 'Content...', 'Show canvas')
'class' => 'mt-2'