
To arrange elements on the page, you can use moonshine::grid and moonshine::column components.

The grid consists of 12 columns.

<x-moonshine::column adaptiveColSpan="6" colSpan="6">
{{ fake()->text() }}
<x-moonshine::column adaptiveColSpan="6" colSpan="6">
{{ fake()->text() }}
Rerum tempora facilis omnis. Voluptatum occaecati voluptatem illum sit ut aut.
Est reiciendis consequatur facilis incidunt. Minus excepturi voluptatum aut similique beatae. Quia aut et incidunt natus magni.

adaptiveColSpan - the number of columns that the block occupies for screen sizes up to 1280px.
colSpan - the number of columns that the block occupies for screen sizes of 1280px or more.