# Basics
Styled tables can be created using the moonshine::table
<x-moonshine::table :columns="[ '#', 'First', 'Last', 'Email' ]" :values="[ [1, fake()->firstName(), fake()->lastName(), fake()->safeEmail()], [2, fake()->firstName(), fake()->lastName(), fake()->safeEmail()], [3, fake()->firstName(), fake()->lastName(), fake()->safeEmail()] ]"/>
# | First | Last | |
1 | Taylor | Jaskolski | ebert.neoma@example.com |
2 | Sven | Reichert | schneider.ramon@example.com |
3 | Katrina | Gerhold | jacobi.vaughn@example.net |
# Simplified view
The simple
parameter allows you to create a simplified table view.
<x-moonshine::table :simple="true" :columns="[ '#', 'First', 'Last', 'Email' ]" :values="[ [1, fake()->firstName(), fake()->lastName(), fake()->safeEmail()], [2, fake()->firstName(), fake()->lastName(), fake()->safeEmail()], [3, fake()->firstName(), fake()->lastName(), fake()->safeEmail()] ]"/>
# | First | Last | |
1 | Verlie | Sauer | brando.little@example.org |
2 | Everett | Terry | joconnell@example.org |
3 | Rowan | Kutch | jacinto.torp@example.net |
# Sticky head
If the table contains a large number of elements, then you can fix the header when scrolling the table.
<x-moonshine::table :sticky="true" :columns="[ '#', 'First', 'Last', 'Email' ]" :values="[ [1, fake()->firstName(), fake()->lastName(), fake()->safeEmail()], [2, fake()->firstName(), fake()->lastName(), fake()->safeEmail()], [3, fake()->firstName(), fake()->lastName(), fake()->safeEmail()] ]"/>
# Missing elements
The notfound
parameter allows you to display a message if there are no table elements.
<x-moonshine::table :columns="[ '#', 'First', 'Last', 'Email' ]" :notfound="true"/>
Records not found
# Slots
A table can be formed using slots.
<x-moonshine::table> <x-slot:thead class="text-center"> <th colspan="4">Header</th> </x-slot:thead> <x-slot:tbody> <tr> <th>1</th> <th>{{ fake()->firstName() }}</th> <th>{{ fake()->lastName() }}</th> <th>{{ fake()->safeEmail() }}</th> </tr> <tr> <th>2</th> <th>{{ fake()->firstName() }}</th> <th>{{ fake()->lastName() }}</th> <th>{{ fake()->safeEmail() }}</th> </tr> <tr> <th>3</th> <th>{{ fake()->firstName() }}</th> <th>{{ fake()->lastName() }}</th> <th>{{ fake()->safeEmail() }}</th> </tr> </x-slot:tbody> <x-slot:tfoot class="text-center"> <td colspan="4">Footer</td> </x-slot:tfoot></x-moonshine::table>
Header | |||
1 | Mara | Rohan | sterling.dare@example.net |
2 | Jillian | Blick | blair19@example.com |
3 | Keanu | Mante | hflatley@example.com |
Footer |
# Stylization
To style a table, there are predefined classes that can be used for tr
/ td
Available classes:
bgc-purple bgc-pink bgc-blue bgc-green bgc-yellow bgc-red bgc-gray bgc-primary bgc-secondary bgc-success bgc-warning bgc-error bgc-info
<x-moonshine::table> <x-slot:thead class="bgc-secondary text-center"> <th colspan="3">Header</th> </x-slot:thead> <x-slot:tbody> <tr> <th class="bgc-pink">{{ fake()->firstName() }}</th> <th class="bgc-gray">{{ fake()->lastName() }}</th> <th class="bgc-purple">{{ fake()->safeEmail() }}</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="bgc-green">{{ fake()->firstName() }}</th> <th class="bgc-red">{{ fake()->lastName() }}</th> <th class="bgc-yellow">{{ fake()->safeEmail() }}</th> </tr> </x-slot:tbody></x-moonshine::table>
Header | ||
Akeem | Goldner | barrows.brenda@example.net |
Marisol | Bernier | elise74@example.com |