


CrudResource is a fundamental part of "MoonShine for Laravel". It is important to understand that the core of MoonShine does not depend on Laravel and even more so on Eloquent models. However, in the implementation for Laravel, we provide a ready-made ModelResource for working with models and corresponding type-casts. MoonShine is very flexible, and you can create your own resource to work with any data sources.

CrudResource provides a basic structure for working with data without being tied to a specific implementation. This allows:

  • working with any data sources (databases, API, files, etc.),
  • creating your own implementations for specific tasks,
  • using a single interface regardless of the data source.

Creating a Custom Resource

To create a custom resource, it is enough to extend CrudResource and implement the abstract methods.

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use MoonShine\Contracts\Core\DependencyInjection\FieldsContract;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\CrudResource;
final class RestCrudResource extends CrudResource
public function findItem(bool $orFail = false): mixed
// ...
public function getItems(): mixed
// ...
public function massDelete(array $ids): void
// ...
public function delete(mixed $item, ?FieldsContract $fields = null): bool
// ...
public function save(mixed $item, ?FieldsContract $fields = null): mixed
// ...
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use MoonShine\Contracts\Core\DependencyInjection\FieldsContract;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\CrudResource;
final class RestCrudResource extends CrudResource
public function findItem(bool $orFail = false): mixed
// ...
public function getItems(): mixed
// ...
public function massDelete(array $ids): void
// ...
public function delete(mixed $item, ?FieldsContract $fields = null): bool
// ...
public function save(mixed $item, ?FieldsContract $fields = null): mixed
// ...

REST Resource Example

Here is an example of implementing a resource for working with a REST API:

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Client\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use MoonShine\Contracts\Core\DependencyInjection\FieldsContract;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\CrudResource;
final class RestCrudResource extends CrudResource
public function getItems(): iterable
yield from Http::get('')->json();
public function findItem(bool $orFail = false): array
yield from Http::get('' . $this->getItemID())->json();
public function massDelete(array $ids): void
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$this->delete(['id' => $id]);
public function delete(mixed $item, ?FieldsContract $fields = null): bool
return Http::delete('' . $item['id'])->successful();
public function save(mixed $item, ?FieldsContract $fields = null): mixed
$data = request()->all();
if ($item['id'] ?? false) {
return Http::put('' . $item['id'], $data)->json();
$this->isRecentlyCreated = true;
return Http::post('', $data)->json();
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Client\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use MoonShine\Contracts\Core\DependencyInjection\FieldsContract;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\CrudResource;
final class RestCrudResource extends CrudResource
public function getItems(): iterable
yield from Http::get('')->json();
public function findItem(bool $orFail = false): array
yield from Http::get('' . $this->getItemID())->json();
public function massDelete(array $ids): void
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$this->delete(['id' => $id]);
public function delete(mixed $item, ?FieldsContract $fields = null): bool
return Http::delete('' . $item['id'])->successful();
public function save(mixed $item, ?FieldsContract $fields = null): mixed
$data = request()->all();
if ($item['id'] ?? false) {
return Http::put('' . $item['id'], $data)->json();
$this->isRecentlyCreated = true;
return Http::post('', $data)->json();

If you require complete control over the resource, instead of inheriting from CrudResource, you can implement the interface CrudResourceContract. This will give you maximum flexibility in implementing all necessary methods.