Getting Started



MoonShine provides flexible options for configuring your application. In this section, we will examine two main ways of configuration and the primary settings.

Configuration Methods

MoonShine can be configured in two ways:

  1. Through the configuration file config/moonshine.php
  2. Through MoonShineServiceProvider using the MoonShineConfigurator class

Configuration via moonshine.php File

The config/moonshine.php file contains all available MoonShine settings. You can modify these settings directly in the file.

Example content of the moonshine.php file:

return [
'title' => env('MOONSHINE_TITLE', 'MoonShine'),
'logo' => '/assets/logo.png',
'domain' => env('MOONSHINE_DOMAIN'),
'prefix' => 'admin',
'auth' => [
'enabled' => true,
'guard' => 'moonshine',
'use_migrations' => true,
'use_notifications' => true,
'use_database_notifications' => true,
'use_profile' => true,
'middleware' => [
// ...
'layout' => \MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout::class,
// ...

Partial Configuration

Alternatively, you can leave only those parameters in the moonshine.php file that differ from the default values. This makes the configuration cleaner and easier to understand.

Example of optimized content for the moonshine.php file:

return [
'title' => 'My MoonShine Application',
'use_migrations' => true,
'use_notifications' => true,
'use_database_notifications' => true,

use_migrations, use_notifications, use_database_notifications must always be present either in moonshine.php or in MoonShineServiceProvider. All other parameters not specified in the file will use the default values.

Configuration via MoonShineServiceProvider

An alternative way to configure is via MoonShineServiceProvider. This method provides a more programmatic approach to configuration.

Example configuration in MoonShineServiceProvider:

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use MoonShine\Contracts\Core\DependencyInjection\CoreContract;
use MoonShine\Laravel\DependencyInjection\MoonShine;
use MoonShine\Laravel\DependencyInjection\MoonShineConfigurator;
use MoonShine\Laravel\DependencyInjection\ConfiguratorContract;
class MoonShineServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* @param MoonShine $core
* @param MoonShineConfigurator $config
public function boot(
CoreContract $core,
ConfiguratorContract $config,
): void
->title('My Application')
->prefixes('admin', 'page', 'resource')
// ...

Configuration via MoonShineServiceProvider takes precedence over settings in the moonshine.php file. When using this method, you can completely remove the moonshine.php file from your project.

Basic Settings

Regardless of the chosen configuration method, you can set up the following basic parameters:


  • use_migrations - use default system migrations (moonshine_users, moonshine_user_roles),
  • use_notifications - use notification system,
  • use_database_notifications - use Laravel notification system based on database driver,
  • dir - directory for MoonShine (by default app/MoonShine). The directory is used for generating files via artisan commands, in general MoonShine is not tied to structure,
  • namespace - namespace for classes created via artisan commands (by default App\MoonShine).
'dir' => 'app/MoonShine',
'namespace' => 'App\MoonShine',
'use_migrations' => true,
'use_notifications' => true,
'use_database_notifications' => true,
->dir(dir: 'app/MoonShine', namespace: 'App\MoonShine')


Meta title on pages (<title>My Application</title>).

'title' => 'My Application',
$config->title('My Application');
'logo' => '/assets/logo.png',
'logo_small' => '/assets/logo-small.png',
->logo('/assets/logo-small.png', small: true);


You can override or append to the list of middleware in the system.

'middleware' => [
// ...
->middleware(['web', 'auth'])


Setting Prefixes

'prefix' => 'admin',
'page_prefix' => 'page',
'resource_prefix' => 'resource',
$config->prefixes('admin', 'page', 'resource');

You can leave resource_prefix empty and the URL of resources will look like /admin/{resourceUri}/{pageUri}, but you may create a conflict with the routes of packages.

Setting Domain

'domain' => '',


You can replace the Exception with your own.

'not_found_exception' => MoonShineNotFoundException::class,


Setting Guard

'auth' => [
'guard' => 'admin',
// ...

Disabling Built-in Authentication

'auth' => [
'enabled' => false,
// ...

Changing Model

'auth' => [
// ...
'model' => User::class,
// ...

This is specified during application initialization, therefore it is exclusively specified through the configuration file.

Middleware for Checking Session Presence

'auth' => [
// ...
'middleware' => Authenticate::class,
// ...


'auth' => [
// ...
'pipelines' => [
// ...

User Fields

If you have simply replaced the model with your own auth.model, you will likely encounter a naming mismatch of fields. To configure the correspondence, use the userField() setting.

'user_fields' => [
'username' => 'email',
'password' => 'password',
'name' => 'name',
'avatar' => 'avatar',
$config->userField('username', 'username');


Default Language

'locale' => 'en',

Setting Available Languages

'locales' => ['en', 'ru'],
$config->locales(['en', 'ru']);

For more information, see localization section.



'disk' => 'public',
'disk_options' => [],
$config->disk('public', options: []);


'cache' => 'file',


The default template used.

'layout' => \App\MoonShine\Layouts\CustomLayout::class,


For convenience, we have moved the authentication and filter forms to configuration and provide a quick way to replace them with your own.

'forms' => [
'login' => LoginForm::class,
'filters' => FiltersForm::class,
$config->set('forms.login', MyLoginForm::class);


For convenience, we have moved the basic pages to configuration and provide a quick way to replace them with your own.

'pages' => [
'dashboard' => Dashboard::class,
'profile' => ProfilePage::class,
'login' => LoginPage::class,
'error' => ErrorPage::class,
$config->changePage(LoginPage::class, MyLoginPage::class);

Home page

You can specify which route or URL is the main page of the panel. Used when redirecting after successful authentication, link in logo and 404 page.

'home_route' => 'moonshine.index',
// or url string
'home_url' => '/admin/page/some-page',
// or url string

Getting Pages and Forms

MoonShine provides convenient methods for retrieving pages and forms in your application.

Getting Pages

The getPage method allows you to retrieve an instance of a page by its name or use the default page.

string $name,
string $default,
mixed ...$parameters,


  • $name - page name in the config,
  • $default - default page class if not found in the config,
  • $parameters - additional parameters for the page constructor.

Example usage:

// Helper
$customPage = moonshineConfig()->getPage('custom');
// DI
use MoonShine\Contracts\Core\DependencyInjection\ConfiguratorContract;
use MoonShine\Laravel\DependencyInjection\MoonShineConfigurator;
* @param MoonShineConfigurator $configurator
public function index(ConfiguratorContract $config)
$customPage = $config->getPage('custom');

Getting Forms

The getForm method allows you to retrieve an instance of a form by its name or use the default form.

string $name,
string $default,
mixed ...$parameters,


  • $name - form name in the config,
  • $default - default form class,
  • $parameters - additional parameters for the form constructor.

Example usage:

// Helper
$form = moonshineConfig()->getForm('login');
// DI
use MoonShine\Contracts\Core\DependencyInjection\ConfiguratorContract;
use MoonShine\Laravel\DependencyInjection\MoonShineConfigurator;
* @param MoonShineConfigurator $configurator
public function index(ConfiguratorContract $config)
$form = $config->getForm('login');

Declaring Pages and Forms in Configuration

You can set up the correspondence between the names and classes of pages and forms in the moonshine.php file.

return [
// Other settings...
'pages' => [
'dashboard' => \App\MoonShine\Pages\DashboardPage::class,
'custom' => \App\MoonShine\Pages\CustomPage::class,
'forms' => [
'login' => \App\MoonShine\Forms\LoginForm::class,
'custom' => \App\MoonShine\Forms\CustomForm::class,

This will allow you to easily retrieve the desired pages and forms by their names using the getPage and getForm methods.

Some methods of MoonShineConfigurator do not have direct analogs in the moonshine.php file and vice versa. This is due to differences in approaches to configuration through the file and through code.

Example Usage in MoonShineServiceProvider

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use MoonShine\Contracts\Core\DependencyInjection\CoreContract;
use MoonShine\Laravel\DependencyInjection\MoonShine;
use MoonShine\Laravel\DependencyInjection\MoonShineConfigurator;
use MoonShine\Laravel\DependencyInjection\ConfiguratorContract;
class MoonShineServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* @param MoonShine $core
* @param MoonShineConfigurator $config
public function boot(
CoreContract $core,
ConfiguratorContract $config,
): void
->title('My Application')
->dir('app/MoonShine', 'App\MoonShine')
->middleware(['web', 'auth'])
->locales(['en', 'ru'])
function(ResourceContract $ctx, mixed $user, Ability $ability, mixed $data): bool {
return true;
// ...

This complete list of parameters and methods allows you to configure almost every aspect of MoonShine operations. Choose the options that best meet your project requirements.

Choosing Configuration Method

When choosing a configuration method, it's important to consider the following:

  1. Priority: Configuration via MoonShineServiceProvider takes precedence over settings in the moonshine.php file.

  2. Flexibility:

    • Full configuration via moonshine.php provides a clear overview of all settings,
    • Partial configuration via moonshine.php makes it easy to see what parameters have been changed,
    • Configuration via MoonShineServiceProvider offers maximum flexibility and the ability to use logic during setup.
  3. Ease of Maintenance:

    • Using the moonshine.php file may be easier for quick changes and understanding the overall structure of settings,
    • MoonShineServiceProvider allows centralized management of settings in one place in the code.
  4. Integration with Code:

    • Configuration via MoonShineServiceProvider integrates better with the rest of the application code and allows the use of Laravel dependencies and services.

Choose the method that best fits your development style and project requirements. You can also combine these approaches, for example, using the moonshine.php file for basic settings and the MoonShineServiceProvider for more complex configurations.