


The BelongsTo field is designed to work with the same-name relationship in Laravel and includes all Basic Methods.

Closure|string $label,
?string $relationName = null,
Closure|string|null $formatted = null,
ModelResource|string|null $resource = null,
Closure|string $label,
?string $relationName = null,
Closure|string|null $formatted = null,
ModelResource|string|null $resource = null,
  • $label - the label, the title of the field,
  • $relationName - the name of the relation,
  • $formatted - a closure or field in the related table for displaying values,
  • $resource - the ModelResource that the relationship refers to.

Having a ModelResource that the relationship refers to is mandatory. The resource must also be registered in the MoonShineServiceProvider service provider in the $core->resources() method. Otherwise, there will be a 500 error.

use App\MoonShine\Resources\UserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
resource: UserResource::class
use App\MoonShine\Resources\UserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
resource: UserResource::class

belongs_to belongs_to_dark

You can omit $resource if the ModelResource matches the relationship name.

use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('User', 'user')
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('User', 'user')

If you do not specify $relationName, the name of the relationship will be determined automatically based on $label (by camelCase rules).

use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;

By default, the field used to display the value is the one specified by the $column property in the ModelResource. The $formatted argument allows overriding the $column property.

use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
formatted: 'first_name'
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
formatted: 'first_name'

If you need to specify a more complex value for display, you can pass a callback function to the $formatted argument.

use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
fn($item) => "$item->id. $item->title"
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
fn($item) => "$item->id. $item->title"

If you need to change the column when working with models, use the onAfterFill() method.

use App\MoonShine\Resources\CategoryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
resource: CategoryResource::class
fn($field) => $field->setColumn('changed_category_id')
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CategoryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
resource: CategoryResource::class
fn($field) => $field->setColumn('changed_category_id')

Default Value

You can use the default() method if you need to specify a default value for the field.

default(mixed $default)
default(mixed $default)

You must pass a model object as the default value.

use App\MoonShine\Resources\CategoryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Country', resource: CategoryResource::class)
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CategoryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Country', resource: CategoryResource::class)


As with all fields, if you need to store NULL, you should add the nullable() method.

nullable(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
nullable(Closure|bool|null $condition = null)
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CategoryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Country', resource: CategoryResource::class)
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CategoryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Country', resource: CategoryResource::class)

select_nullable select_nullable_dark

Don't forget to specify in the database table that the field can accept a Null value.


The placeholder() method allows you to set the placeholder attribute for the field.

placeholder(string $value)
placeholder(string $value)
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Country', 'country')
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Country', 'country')

Searching Values

If you need to search among values, you must add the searchable() method.

use App\MoonShine\Resources\CountryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Country', 'country', resource: CountryResource::class)
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CountryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Country', 'country', resource: CountryResource::class)

Creating Relation Object

The creatable() method allows you to create a new relation object via a modal window.

Closure|bool|null $condition = null,
?ActionButton $button = null,
Closure|bool|null $condition = null,
?ActionButton $button = null,
BelongsTo::make('Author', resource: AuthorResource::class)
BelongsTo::make('Author', resource: AuthorResource::class)

belongs_to_creatable belongs_to_creatable_dark

You can customize the create button by passing the button parameter to the method.

use App\MoonShine\Resources\AuthorResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
use MoonShine\UI\Components\ActionButton;
BelongsTo::make('Author', resource: AuthorResource::class)
button: ActionButton::make('Custom button', '')
use App\MoonShine\Resources\AuthorResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
use MoonShine\UI\Components\ActionButton;
BelongsTo::make('Author', resource: AuthorResource::class)
button: ActionButton::make('Custom button', '')

Query for Values

The valuesQuery() method allows you to change the query to retrieve values.

valuesQuery(Closure $callback)
valuesQuery(Closure $callback)
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CategoryResource;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Field;
BelongsTo::make('Category', 'category', resource: CategoryResource::class)
->valuesQuery(fn(Builder $query, Field $field) => $query->where('active', true))
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CategoryResource;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Field;
BelongsTo::make('Category', 'category', resource: CategoryResource::class)
->valuesQuery(fn(Builder $query, Field $field) => $query->where('active', true))

To implement asynchronous value search, use the asyncSearch() method.

string $column = null,
?Closure $searchQuery = null,
?Closure $formatted = null,
?string $associatedWith = null,
int $limit = 15,
?string $url = null,
string $column = null,
?Closure $searchQuery = null,
?Closure $formatted = null,
?string $associatedWith = null,
int $limit = 15,
?string $url = null,
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CategoryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Category', 'category', resource: CategoryResource::class)
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CategoryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Category', 'category', resource: CategoryResource::class)

The search will be carried out by the field specified for the resource column. By default, column=id.

You can pass parameters to the asyncSearch() method:

  • $column - the field by which the search is conducted,
  • $searchQuery - a callback function for filtering values,
  • $formatted - a callback function for customizing output,
  • $associatedWith - the field with which the association is established,
  • $limit - the number of items in the search results,
  • $url - the URL for processing the asynchronous request.
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Field;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Category', 'category', resource: CategoryResource::class)
searchQuery: function (Builder $query, Request $request, Field $field) {
return $query->where('id', '!=', 2);
formatted: function ($country, Field $field) {
return $country->id . ' | ' . $country->title;
limit: 10,
url: ''
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Field;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Category', 'category', resource: CategoryResource::class)
searchQuery: function (Builder $query, Request $request, Field $field) {
return $query->where('id', '!=', 2);
formatted: function ($country, Field $field) {
return $country->id . ' | ' . $country->title;
limit: 10,
url: ''

When building the query in searchQuery, you can use the current values of the form. To do this, it is necessary to pass Request into the callback function.

use App\MoonShine\Resources\CityResource;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Field;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Select;
Select::make('Country', 'country_id'),
BelongsTo::make('City', 'city', resource: CityResource::class)
searchQuery: function (Builder $query, Request $request, Field $field): Builder {
return $query->where('country_id', $request->get('country_id'));
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CityResource;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Field;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Select;
Select::make('Country', 'country_id'),
BelongsTo::make('City', 'city', resource: CityResource::class)
searchQuery: function (Builder $query, Request $request, Field $field): Builder {
return $query->where('country_id', $request->get('country_id'));

When building the query in searchQuery, the initial state of the builder is preserved. If you need to replace it with your builder, use the replaceQuery flag.

use App\MoonShine\Resources\CityResource;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Field;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Select;
Select::make('Country', 'country_id'),
BelongsTo::make('City', 'city', resource: CityResource::class)
searchQuery: function (Builder $query, Request $request, Field $field): Builder {
return $query->where('country_id', $request->get('country_id'));
replaceQuery: true
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CityResource;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Field;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Select;
Select::make('Country', 'country_id'),
BelongsTo::make('City', 'city', resource: CityResource::class)
searchQuery: function (Builder $query, Request $request, Field $field): Builder {
return $query->where('country_id', $request->get('country_id'));
replaceQuery: true

Associated Fields

To establish a relationship of selection values between fields, you can use the associatedWith() method.

associatedWith(string $column, ?Closure $searchQuery = null)
associatedWith(string $column, ?Closure $searchQuery = null)
  • $column - the field with which the relationship is established,
  • $searchQuery - a callback function for filtering values.
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CityResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('City', 'city', resource: CityResource::class)
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CityResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('City', 'city', resource: CityResource::class)

For more complex configurations, you can use asyncSearch().

Values with Image

The withImage() method allows you to add an image to the value.

string $column,
string $disk = 'public',
string $dir = ''
string $column,
string $disk = 'public',
string $dir = ''
  • $column - the field with the image,
  • $disk - the file system disk,
  • $dir - the directory relative to the root of the disk.
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CountryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Country', resource: CountryResource::class)
->withImage('thumb', 'public', 'countries')
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CountryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Country', resource: CountryResource::class)
->withImage('thumb', 'public', 'countries')

belongs_to_image belongs_to_image_dark


All selection options are available for modification via data attributes:

use App\MoonShine\Resources\CountryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Country', resource: CountryResource::class)
'data-search-result-limit' => 5
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CountryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
BelongsTo::make('Country', resource: CountryResource::class)
'data-search-result-limit' => 5

For more detailed information, please refer to Choices.

Native Mode

The native() method disables the Choices.js library and displays the selection in native mode.

use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;

By default, BelongsTo links to the edit page. You can override this behavior using the link() method.

use App\MoonShine\Resources\CategoryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
resource: CategoryResource::class,
link: fn(string $value, BelongsTo $ctx) => $ctx->getResource()->getDetailPageUrl($ctx->getData()->getKey()),
name: fn(string $value) => $value,
icon: 'users',
blank: true,
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CategoryResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo;
resource: CategoryResource::class,
link: fn(string $value, BelongsTo $ctx) => $ctx->getResource()->getDetailPageUrl($ctx->getData()->getKey()),
name: fn(string $value) => $value,
icon: 'users',
blank: true,