

Inherits from BelongsTo.

  • has the same capabilities

The MorphTo relationship field in Laravel

The same as MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\BelongsTo, but for MorphTo relationships

use MoonShine\Laravel\Fields\Relationships\MorphTo;
protected function formFields(): iterable
return [
Article::class => 'title'

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The types method is required, specifying the available classes.

Description of the types method value:

Key - class-string<Model>
Value - string or array.

If the value is passed as a string, it should point to the name of the field to be displayed.
If passed as an array, the first element of the array is the name of the field to display, and the second is the relationship name instead of the model name.

use MoonShine\Fields\Relationships\MorphTo;
public function fields(): array
return [
Company::class => ['short_name', 'Organization']

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