

In this section, we have gathered various non-standard approaches to using Select, which you can modernize for your needs.


The example demonstrates the async method, but at the same time, we use the approach of working through asyncMethod, thus saving time on creating a controller and writing the implementation directly in the resource or page:

protected function formFields(): iterable
return [
public function selectOptions(): MoonShineJsonResponse
$options = new Options([
new Option(label: 'Option 1', value: '1', selected: true, properties: new OptionProperty(image: '')),
new Option(label: 'Option 2', value: '2', properties: new OptionProperty(image: '')),
return MoonShineJsonResponse::make(data: $options->toArray());
protected function formFields(): iterable
return [
public function selectOptions(): MoonShineJsonResponse
$options = new Options([
new Option(label: 'Option 1', value: '1', selected: true, properties: new OptionProperty(image: '')),
new Option(label: 'Option 2', value: '2', properties: new OptionProperty(image: '')),
return MoonShineJsonResponse::make(data: $options->toArray());


Select::make('Company', 'company')->options([
1 => 'Laravel',
2 => 'CutCode',
3 => 'Symfony',
])->reactive(function (FieldsContract $fields, mixed $value, Select $ctx, array $values): FieldsContract {
$fields->findByColumn('dynamic_value')?->options((int) $value === 1 ? [
4 => 4,
] : [2 => 2]);
return $fields;
Select::make('Dynamic value', 'dynamic_value')->options([4 => 4])->reactive(),
Select::make('Company', 'company')->options([
1 => 'Laravel',
2 => 'CutCode',
3 => 'Symfony',
])->reactive(function (FieldsContract $fields, mixed $value, Select $ctx, array $values): FieldsContract {
$fields->findByColumn('dynamic_value')?->options((int) $value === 1 ? [
4 => 4,
] : [2 => 2]);
return $fields;
Select::make('Dynamic value', 'dynamic_value')->options([4 => 4])->reactive(),


Due to the fact that by default ShowWhen removes hidden elements from the DOM, we can duplicate several Select with different values and display them based on a condition.

We added setNameAttribute to avoid conflict when saving the form.

Select::make('Company', 'company')->options([
1 => 'Laravel',
2 => 'CutCode',
3 => 'Symfony',
Select::make('Dynamic value', 'dynamic_value')
->showWhen('company', '1')
->options([1 => 1, 2 => 2,]),
Select::make('Dynamic value', 'dynamic_value')
->showWhen('company', '2')
->options([3 => 3, 4 => 4,]),
Select::make('Company', 'company')->options([
1 => 'Laravel',
2 => 'CutCode',
3 => 'Symfony',
Select::make('Dynamic value', 'dynamic_value')
->showWhen('company', '1')
->options([1 => 1, 2 => 2,]),
Select::make('Dynamic value', 'dynamic_value')
->showWhen('company', '2')
->options([3 => 3, 4 => 4,]),


This approach allows you to send a request when the main Select is changed and return the html for the next Select, displaying it in the block by selector:

public function selectValues(): MoonShineJsonResponse
$options = new Options([
new Option('Option 1', '1', false, new OptionProperty(image: '')),
new Option('Option 2', '2', true, new OptionProperty(image: '')),
return MoonShineJsonResponse::make()
(string) Select::make('Next')->options($options)
protected function formFields(): iterable
return [
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
])->onChangeMethod('selectValues', selector: '.next-select'),
public function selectValues(): MoonShineJsonResponse
$options = new Options([
new Option('Option 1', '1', false, new OptionProperty(image: '')),
new Option('Option 2', '2', true, new OptionProperty(image: '')),
return MoonShineJsonResponse::make()
(string) Select::make('Next')->options($options)
protected function formFields(): iterable
return [
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
])->onChangeMethod('selectValues', selector: '.next-select'),


Thanks to the fact that Fragment sends form data along with the request, we can change the set of Select elements upon reloading the fragment:

protected function formFields(): iterable
$selects = [];
$value = request()->integer('_data.first', 1);
if($value === 1) {
$selects[] = Select::make('Second')->options([
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
if($value === 2) {
$selects[] = Select::make('Third')->options([
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
return [
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
AlpineJs::event(JsEvent::FRAGMENT_UPDATED, 'selects')
protected function formFields(): iterable
$selects = [];
$value = request()->integer('_data.first', 1);
if($value === 1) {
$selects[] = Select::make('Second')->options([
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
if($value === 2) {
$selects[] = Select::make('Third')->options([
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
return [
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
AlpineJs::event(JsEvent::FRAGMENT_UPDATED, 'selects')