


Menu is the foundation for navigation in the admin panel, so we have tried to create a flexible system that allows you to fully customize the menu for different pages and users.

The navigation menu is configured in a class that extends MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout through the menu() method.

During the installation of the admin panel, depending on the configurations you choose, a class App\MoonShine\Layouts\MoonShineLayout will be created, which already contains the menu() method.

In the future, if necessary, you can create other Layouts for specific pages.


To add a menu item, you need to use the class MenuItem.

Closure|string $label,
Closure|MenuFillerContract|string $filler,
string $icon = null,
Closure|bool $blank = false,
Closure|string $label,
Closure|MenuFillerContract|string $filler,
string $icon = null,
Closure|bool $blank = false,
  • $label - the name of the menu item,
  • $filler - an element for generating the URL,
  • $icon - an icon for the menu item,
  • $blank - open in a new tab.

You can pass ModelResource, Page or CrudResource as the second parameter.

namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class),
MenuItem::make('Home', fn() => route('home')),
MenuItem::make('Docs', ''),
MenuItem::make('Laravel Docs', '', blank: true),
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class),
MenuItem::make('Home', fn() => route('home')),
MenuItem::make('Docs', ''),
MenuItem::make('Laravel Docs', '', blank: true),

If the menu is created for ModelResource or CrudResource, the first page declared in the pages() method will be used for the menu item.


Menu items can be grouped together. To do this, use the MenuGroup class.

Closure|string $label,
iterable $items,
string|null $icon = null,
Closure|string $label,
iterable $items,
string|null $icon = null,
  • $label - the name of the group,
  • $items - an array of menu components,
  • $icon - an icon for the group.
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuGroup;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuGroup::make('System', [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class),
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class),
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuGroup;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuGroup::make('System', [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class),
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class),

You can also add items to the group using the setItems() method.

setItems(iterable $items)
setItems(iterable $items)
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuGroup;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class),
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class),
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuGroup;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class),
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class),

To create a multi-level menu, groups can be nested.


Menu items can be visually separated using MenuDivider.

* @param (Closure(MenuElementContract $context): string)|string $label
make(Closure|string $label = '')
* @param (Closure(MenuElementContract $context): string)|string $label
make(Closure|string $label = '')
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuDivider;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class),
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class),
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuDivider;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class),
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class),


An icon can be assigned to both a menu item and a group. This can be implemented in several ways.

Through parameter

An icon can be set by passing the name as the third parameter in the static method make().

namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class, 'users'),
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class, 'hashtag')
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class, 'users'),
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class, 'hashtag')

Through method

You can use the icon() method.

string $icon,
bool $custom = false,
?string $path = null,
string $icon,
bool $custom = false,
?string $path = null,
  • $icon - the name of the icon or HTML (if custom mode is used),
  • $custom - custom mode,
  • $path - the path to the directory where the Blade templates of icons are stored.
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuGroup;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuGroup::make('System', [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class)
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class)
->icon(svg('path-to-icon-pack')->toHtml(), custom: true),
->icon('cog', path: 'icons')
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuGroup;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuGroup::make('System', [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class)
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class)
->icon(svg('path-to-icon-pack')->toHtml(), custom: true),
->icon('cog', path: 'icons')

Through attribute

An icon will be displayed for the menu item if the ModelResource, Page, or Resource class has the Icon attribute set and the icon has not been overridden by other means.

namespace MoonShine\Resources;
class MoonShineUserResource extends ModelResource
// ...
namespace MoonShine\Resources;
class MoonShineUserResource extends ModelResource
// ...

For more detailed information, refer to the section Icons.


You can also add a badge to a menu item.

Through menu item

To add a badge to a menu item, use the badge() method, which takes a closure as a parameter.

* @param Closure(MenuElementContract $context): string|int|float|null $value
badge(Closure|string|int|float|null $value)
* @param Closure(MenuElementContract $context): string|int|float|null $value
badge(Closure|string|int|float|null $value)
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CommentResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Comments', CommentResource::class)
->badge(fn() => Comment::count())
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CommentResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Comments', CommentResource::class)
->badge(fn() => Comment::count())


To translate menu items, you need to pass the translation key as the name and add the translatable() method.

translatable(string $key = '')
translatable(string $key = '')
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CommentResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('menu.Comments', CommentResource::class)
// or
MenuItem::make('Comments', CommentResource::class)
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CommentResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('menu.Comments', CommentResource::class)
// or
MenuItem::make('Comments', CommentResource::class)
// lang/en/menu.php
return [
'Comments' => 'Comments',
// lang/en/menu.php
return [
'Comments' => 'Comments',

You can use Laravel's translation features for translating menu badges.

namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CommentResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Comments', CommentResource::class)
->badge(fn() => __(''))
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use App\MoonShine\Resources\CommentResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Comments', CommentResource::class)
->badge(fn() => __(''))

Open in a new tab

You can specify a flag for the menu item to indicate whether to open the link in a new tab. This can be implemented in several ways.

Through parameter

The flag can be set by passing the fourth parameter true/false or a closure in the static method make().

namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('MoonShine Docs', '', 'heroicons.arrow-up', true),
MenuItem::make('Laravel Docs', '', blank: fn() => true),
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('MoonShine Docs', '', 'heroicons.arrow-up', true),
MenuItem::make('Laravel Docs', '', blank: fn() => true),

Through method

You can use the blank() method.

* @param (Closure(MenuElementContract $context): bool)|bool $blankCondition
blank(Closure|bool $blankCondition = true)
* @param (Closure(MenuElementContract $context): bool)|bool $blankCondition
blank(Closure|bool $blankCondition = true)
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('MoonShine Docs', '', 'heroicons.arrow-up', true),
MenuItem::make('Laravel Docs', '')->blank(fn() => true),
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('MoonShine Docs', '', 'heroicons.arrow-up', true),
MenuItem::make('Laravel Docs', '')->blank(fn() => true),

Display condition

You can display menu items based on a condition using the canSee() method.

* @param Closure(MenuElementContract $context): bool $callback
canSee(Closure $callback)
* @param Closure(MenuElementContract $context): bool $callback
canSee(Closure $callback)
namespace App\Providers;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuDivider;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuGroup;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuGroup::make('System', [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class),
->canSee(fn() => true),
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class)
->canSee(fn() => false)
->canSee(static fn(): bool => request()->user('moonshine')?->id === 1)
namespace App\Providers;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuDivider;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuGroup;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuGroup::make('System', [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class),
->canSee(fn() => true),
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class)
->canSee(fn() => false)
->canSee(static fn(): bool => request()->user('moonshine')?->id === 1)

Active item

A menu item becomes active if it matches the url, but the whenActive() method allows you to forcibly make an item active.

* @param Closure(string $path, string $host, MenuElementContract $context): bool $when
whenActive(Closure $when)
* @param Closure(string $path, string $host, MenuElementContract $context): bool $when
whenActive(Closure $when)
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Label', '/endpoint')
->whenActive(fn() => request()->fullUrlIs('*admin/endpoint/*')),
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Label', '/endpoint')
->whenActive(fn() => request()->fullUrlIs('*admin/endpoint/*')),


Groups and menu items, like other components, can have custom attributes assigned.

For more detailed information, refer to the section Component Attributes.

namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuGroup;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class),
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class)
->customAttributes(['class' => 'group-li-custom-class'])
->setAttribute('data-id', '123')
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserResource;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\MoonShineUserRoleResource;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuGroup;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Admins', MoonShineUserResource::class),
MenuItem::make('Roles', MoonShineUserRoleResource::class)
->customAttributes(['class' => 'group-li-custom-class'])
->setAttribute('data-id', '123')

Change button

A menu item is an ActionButton and you can change its attributes using the changeButton method.

* @param Closure(ActionButtonContract $button): ActionButtonContract $callback
changeButton(Closure $callback)
* @param Closure(ActionButtonContract $button): ActionButtonContract $callback
changeButton(Closure $callback)
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
use MoonShine\UI\Components\ActionButton;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Label', '/endpoint')
->changeButton(static fn(ActionButton $button) => $button->class('new-item')),
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
use MoonShine\UI\Components\ActionButton;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuItem::make('Label', '/endpoint')
->changeButton(static fn(ActionButton $button) => $button->class('new-item')),

Some parameters of ActionButton, such as url, badge, icon, and others are overridden in the system. To change them, use the corresponding methods.

Custom view

If you need to change the view using a fluent interface, you can use the customView() method.

customView(string $path)
customView(string $path)
  • $path - the path to the Blade template.
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuGroup;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuGroup::make('Group', [
MenuItem::make('Label', '/endpoint')
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Layouts\AppLayout;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuGroup;
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem;
final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout
// ...
protected function menu(): array
return [
MenuGroup::make('Group', [
MenuItem::make('Label', '/endpoint')