
Reorderable resource

This sorting method is only suitable if there are few records and pagination is not used!

In this example, the resource table will be sorted by the position field, so make sure that the model has this field.

Add the following methods to the resource:

use MoonShine\Contracts\UI\ComponentContract;
use MoonShine\Laravel\MoonShineRequest;
use MoonShine\UI\Components\Table\TableBuilder;
protected string $sortColumn = 'position';
protected SortDirection $sortDirection = SortDirection::ASC;
* @param TableBuilder $component
public function modifyListComponent(ComponentContract $component): ComponentContract
return $component->reorderable(
public function reorder(MoonShineRequest $request): void
if ($request->str('data')->isNotEmpty()) {
fn($id, $position) => $this->getModel()
->where('id', $id)
'position' => $position + 1,