By default, in MoonShine, fields work with primitive types and know nothing about models. This was done to ensure that the system is not bound only to models, allowing fields to have access to both raw data and typed data depending on the situation.
for models is already enabled in MoonShine, but if you need to work with a different type of data, you will need an object that implements the MoonShine\Contracts\Core\TypeCasts\DataCasterContract
interface DataCasterContract{ public function cast(mixed $data): DataWrapperContract; public function paginatorCast(mixed $data): ?PaginatorContract;}
You also need to implement the DataWrapperContract
This abstraction helps to determine what exactly is the key of the object and how to convert it to an array.
interface DataWrapperContract{ public function getOriginal(): mixed; public function getKey(): int|string|null; public function toArray(): array;}
Let's look at an example of a TypeCast
for models.
final readonly class ModelCaster implements DataCasterContract{ public function __construct( /** @var class-string<T> $class */ private string $class ) { } /** @return class-string<T> $class */ public function getClass(): string { return $this->class; } /** * @return ModelDataWrapper<T> */ public function cast(mixed $data): ModelDataWrapper { $model = new ($this->getClass()); return new ModelDataWrapper($model->fill($data)); } public function paginatorCast(mixed $data): ?PaginatorContract { if (! $data instanceof Paginator && ! $data instanceof CursorPaginator) { return null; } $paginator = new PaginatorCaster( $data->appends( moonshine()->getRequest()->getExcept('page') )->toArray(), $data->items() ); return $paginator->cast(); }}
implements the DataWrapperContract
and, thanks to the model methods getKey
and toArray
, helps to determine the key and transform the object into an array.
final readonly class ModelDataWrapper implements DataWrapperContract{ public function __construct(private Model $model) { } public function getOriginal(): Model { return $this->model; } public function getKey(): int|string|null { return $this->model->getKey(); } public function toArray(): array { return $this->model->toArray(); }}
Now let's consider its application in FormBuilder
TableBuilder::make(items: User::paginate()) ->fields([ Text::make('Email'), ]) ->cast(new ModelCaster(User::class))
FormBuilder::make() ->fields([ Text::make('Email'), ]) ->fillCast(User::query()->first(), new ModelCaster(User::class))