


Buttons are displayed on resource pages: index page, form pages (create / edit), and detail page.
They are responsible for basic actions with elements and are components of ActionButton.

In the MoonShine admin panel, there are many methods that allow you to override either a single button for the resource or an entire group.

More detailed information about the ActionButton component.

The buttons for creating, viewing, editing, deleting, and mass deleting are placed in separate classes to apply all necessary methods to them and thereby eliminate duplication, as these buttons are also used in HasMany, BelongsToMany, etc.

Create button

The modifyCreateButton() method allows you to modify the button for creating a new item.

protected function modifyCreateButton(ActionButtonContract $button): ActionButtonContract
return $button->error();

You can also override the button through this method

protected function modifyCreateButton(ActionButtonContract $button): ActionButtonContract
return ActionButton::make('Create');

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Detail button

The modifyDetailButton() method allows you to modify or override the button for viewing the details of an item.

protected function modifyDetailButton(ActionButtonContract $button): ActionButtonContract
return $button->warning();

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Edit button

The modifyEditButton() method allows you to modify or override the button for editing an item.

protected function modifyEditButton(ActionButtonContract $button): ActionButtonContract
return $button->icon('pencil-square');

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Delete button

The modifyDeleteButton() method allows you to modify or override the button for deleting an item.

protected function modifyDeleteButton(ActionButtonContract $button): ActionButtonContract
return $button->icon('x-mark');

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Mass delete button

The modifyMassDeleteButton() method allows you to modify or override the button for mass deleting.

protected function modifyMassDeleteButton(ActionButtonContract $button): ActionButtonContract
return $button->icon('x-mark');

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Filters button


The modifyFiltersButton() method allows you to overwrite or modify the filters button.

protected function modifyFiltersButton(ActionButtonContract $button): ActionButtonContract
return $button->error();

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Top buttons on index page

By default, the model resource index page has only a create button.
The topButtons() method allows you to add additional buttons.

class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected function topButtons(): ListOf
return parent::topButtons()->add(
ActionButton::make('Refresh', '#')
->dispatchEvent(AlpineJs::event(JsEvent::TABLE_UPDATED, $this->getListComponentName()))

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Index table buttons

To add buttons in the index table, use the indexButtons() method.

class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected function indexButtons(): ListOf
return parent::indexButtons()->prepend(
fn(Model $item) => '/endpoint?id=' . $item->getKey()

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For bulk actions with elements, you need to add the bulk() method.

protected function indexButtons(): ListOf
return parent::indexButtons()->prepend(
ActionButton::make('Link', '/endpoint')

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Form buttons

To add buttons to the form page, use the formButtons() method.

class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected function formButtons(): ListOf
return parent::formButtons()->add(ActionButton::make('Link')->method('updateSomething'));

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The formBuilderButtons() method allows you to add additional buttons in the create or edit form.

class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected function formBuilderButtons(): ListOf
return parent::formBuilderButtons()->add(
ActionButton::make('Back', fn() => $this->getIndexPageUrl())->class('btn-lg')

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Detail page buttons

To add buttons to the detail view page, use the detailButtons() method.

class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected function detailButtons(): ListOf
return parent::detailButtons()->add(ActionButton::make('Link', '/endpoint'));

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