The Logo
component displays the logo of your admin panel.
make(string $href,string $logo,?string $logoSmall = null,?string $title = null,bool $minimized = false,)
make(string $href,string $logo,?string $logoSmall = null,?string $title = null,bool $minimized = false,)
- the URL for the link when clicking on the logo,$logo
- the URL to the logo image,$logoSmall
- the URL to the small version of the logo,$title
- tooltip on hover,$minimized
- interacts with Sidebar. If set to true, the small logo will automatically be selected.
use MoonShine\UI\Components\Layout\Logo;Logo::make('/admin','/vendor/moonshine/logo.svg','/vendor/moonshine/logo-small.svg'),
use MoonShine\UI\Components\Layout\Logo;Logo::make('/admin','/vendor/moonshine/logo.svg','/vendor/moonshine/logo-small.svg'),
To add attributes to the img
tag of the logo, there are two methods for the two display modes - logoAttributes()
and logoSmallAttributes()
logoAttributes(array $attributes)logoSmallAttributes(array $attributes)
logoAttributes(array $attributes)logoSmallAttributes(array $attributes)