


AssetManager in MoonShine provides a convenient way to manage CSS and JavaScript assets for your admin panel. It supports various types of assets, including external files, inline code, and versioning.

Asset Types

In MoonShine, there are several types of assets:

  • MoonShine\AssetManager\Js - js through <script src> tag,
  • MoonShine\AssetManager\Css - css through <link> tag,
  • MoonShine\AssetManager\InlineCss - css through <style> tag,
  • MoonShine\AssetManager\InlineJs - js through <script> tag,
  • MoonShine\AssetManager\Raw - arbitrary content in head.

JavaScript Files

// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // [tl! collapse:1] use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js; // Basic inclusion Js::make('/js/app.js'); // With deferred loading Js::make('/js/app.js')->defer(); // With attributes Js::make('/js/app.js')->customAttributes([ 'data-module' => 'main' ]);
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js;
// Basic inclusion
// With deferred loading
// With attributes
'data-module' => 'main'

CSS Files

// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // [tl! collapse:1] use MoonShine\AssetManager\Css; // Basic inclusion Css::make('/css/styles.css'); // With deferred loading Css::make('/css/styles.css')->defer(); // With attributes Css::make('/css/styles.css')->customAttributes([ 'media' => 'print' ]);
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Css;
// Basic inclusion
// With deferred loading
// With attributes
'media' => 'print'

Inline JavaScript

// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // [tl! collapse:1] use MoonShine\AssetManager\InlineJs; InlineJs::make(<<<'JS' document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { console.log("Loaded"); }); JS);
use MoonShine\AssetManager\InlineJs;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

Inline CSS

// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // [tl! collapse:1] use MoonShine\AssetManager\InlineCss; InlineCss::make(<<<'CSS' .custom-class { color: red; } CSS);
use MoonShine\AssetManager\InlineCss;
.custom-class {
color: red;

Raw Content

// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // [tl! collapse:1] use MoonShine\AssetManager\Raw; Raw::make('');
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Raw;
Raw::make('<link rel="preconnect" href="">');

Asset Collections

AssetManager allows managing the loading order of assets. We recommend using DI to start interacting with AssetManager, for the service is responsible through the interface MoonShine\Contracts\AssetManager\AssetManagerContract. Also, MoonShine provides convenient methods to interact with AssetManager in different entities such as CrudResource, Page, Layout, Component and Field.

// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // [tl! collapse:1] use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js; // Add assets to the end $assetManager->append([ Js::make('/js/last.js') ]); // Add assets to the beginning $assetManager->prepend([ Js::make('/js/first.js') ]); // Add assets in the order of addition $assetManager->add([ Js::make('/js/middle.js') ]);
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js;
// Add assets to the end
// Add assets to the beginning
// Add assets in the order of addition

The append() method will always add assets before the main list from CrudResource, Page, Layout, Component, Field, while prepend() will add them after. The add() method will depend on the lifecycle of the application. Suppose you are adding assets to ModelResource, but before the page is displayed, Layout will be called, which will also add assets, thus the assets from Layout will be added last.

You can also use the helper moonshine()->getAssetManager()

Asset Modification

You can modify the asset collection using closures:

$assetManager->modifyAssets(function($assets) { // Modify the asset collection return array_filter($assets, function($asset) { return !str_contains($asset->getLink(), 'remove-this'); }); });
$assetManager->modifyAssets(function($assets) {
// Modify the asset collection
return array_filter($assets, function($asset) {
return !str_contains($asset->getLink(), 'remove-this');


AssetManager supports versioning of assets to manage caching, by default it will use the version of MoonShine, but you can override it for a specific asset:

// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // [tl! collapse:1] use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js; // Adding a version to an individual asset Js::make('/js/app.js')->version('1.0.0'); // Result: /js/app.js?v=1.0.0
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js;
// Adding a version to an individual asset
// Result: /js/app.js?v=1.0.0

Versioning automatically adds a v parameter to the asset URL. If the URL already contains query parameters, the version will be added with &.

How to Add Assets


// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // MoonShineServiceProvider // [tl! collapse:4] use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js; use MoonShine\Contracts\AssetManager\AssetManagerContract; use MoonShine\Contracts\Core\DependencyInjection\ConfiguratorContract; use MoonShine\Contracts\Core\DependencyInjection\CoreContract; public function boot( CoreContract $core, ConfiguratorContract $config, AssetManagerContract $assets, ): void { $assets->add(Js::make('/js/app.js')); }
// MoonShineServiceProvider
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js;
use MoonShine\Contracts\AssetManager\AssetManagerContract;
use MoonShine\Contracts\Core\DependencyInjection\ConfiguratorContract;
use MoonShine\Contracts\Core\DependencyInjection\CoreContract;
public function boot(
CoreContract $core,
ConfiguratorContract $config,
AssetManagerContract $assets,
): void


// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // [tl! collapse:2] use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Vite; use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js; final class MoonShineLayout extends CompactLayout { protected function assets(): array { return [ Js::make(Vite::asset('resources/js/app.js')) ]; } }
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Vite;
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js;
final class MoonShineLayout extends CompactLayout
protected function assets(): array
return [


// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // [tl! collapse:2] use MoonShine\AssetManager\InlineJs; use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js; protected function onLoad(): void { $this->getAssetManager() ->prepend(InlineJs::make('alert(1)')) ->append(Js::make('/js/app.js')); }
use MoonShine\AssetManager\InlineJs;
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js;
protected function onLoad(): void


// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // [tl! collapse:2] use MoonShine\AssetManager\Css; use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js; protected function onLoad(): void { parent::onLoad(); $this->getAssetManager() ->add(Css::make('/css/app.css')) ->append(Js::make('/js/app.js')); }
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Css;
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js;
protected function onLoad(): void


On the Fly

// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // [tl! collapse:3] use MoonShine\AssetManager\Css; use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js; use MoonShine\UI\Components\Layout\Box; Box::make()->addAssets([ Js::make('/js/custom.js'), Css::make('/css/styles.css') ]);
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Css;
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js;
use MoonShine\UI\Components\Layout\Box;

When Creating a Component

// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // [tl! collapse:3] use MoonShine\AssetManager\Css; use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js; use MoonShine\UI\Components\MoonShineComponent; final class MyComponent extends MoonShineComponent { /** * @return list */ protected function assets(): array { return [ Js::make('/js/custom.js'), Css::make('/css/styles.css') ]; } }
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Css;
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js;
use MoonShine\UI\Components\MoonShineComponent;
final class MyComponent extends MoonShineComponent
* @return list<AssetElementContract>
protected function assets(): array
return [

When Creating a Component via AssetManager

// torchlight! {"summaryCollapsedIndicator": "namespaces"} // [tl! collapse:3] use MoonShine\AssetManager\Css; use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js; use MoonShine\UI\Components\MoonShineComponent; final class MyComponent extends MoonShineComponent { protected function booted(): void { parent::booted(); $this->getAssetManager() ->add(Css::make('/css/app.css')) ->append(Js::make('/js/app.js')); } }
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Css;
use MoonShine\AssetManager\Js;
use MoonShine\UI\Components\MoonShineComponent;
final class MyComponent extends MoonShineComponent
protected function booted(): void


The same as with Component, since Field is a component.