You may encounter a task when you need to save a group of fields united by common logic.
They can send a third-party request, change a file, or simply populate a json field. The Template field is ideal for such tasks:
Template::make('Config', 'config')->fields([
->changeFill(fn(mixed $data) => data_get($data, 'config'))
->changeRender(fn(mixed $value, Template $ctx) => FieldsGroup::make($ctx->getPreparedFields())->fill($value))
->onApply(function(mixed $item, mixed $value) {
$item->config = $value;
return $item;
Template :: make ( 'Config' , 'config' ) -> fields ([
Text :: make ( 'Language' ),
Text :: make ( 'Cache' ),
-> changeFill ( fn ( mixed $data) => data_get ($data, 'config' ))
-> changeRender ( fn ( mixed $value, Template $ctx) => FieldsGroup :: make ($ctx -> getPreparedFields ()) -> fill ($value))
-> onApply ( function ( mixed $item, mixed $value) {
$item -> config = $value;
return $item;
Template::make('Config', 'config')->fields([
->changeFill(fn(mixed $data) => data_get($data, 'config'))
->changeRender(fn(mixed $value, Template $ctx) => FieldsGroup::make($ctx->getPreparedFields())->fill($value))
->onApply(function(mixed $item, mixed $value) {
$item->config = $value;
return $item;