


In CrudResource (ModelResource) on the indexPage as well as on the DetailPage, TableBuilder is used to display the main data, so we recommend you also study the documentation section TableBuilder.


namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\ModelResource;
use MoonShine\Support\Enums\SortDirection;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $sortColumn = 'created_at'; // Default sort field
protected SortDirection $sortDirection = SortDirection::DESC; // Default sort type


To add buttons to the table, you can use ActionButton and the methods indexButtons or customIndexButtons, as well as detailButtons and customDetailButtons for the detail page.

protected function customIndexButtons(): ListOf
return parent::customIndexButtons()->add(ActionButton::make('Link', '/endpoint'));

When using the customIndexButtons method, all your buttons will be added before the main CRUD buttons. However, if you need to replace the main buttons or add new ones after the main buttons, you can use the indexButtons method.

After the main buttons:

protected function indexButtons(): ListOf
return parent::indexButtons()->add(ActionButton::make('Link', '/endpoint'));

Before the main buttons:

protected function indexButtons(): ListOf
return parent::indexButtons()->prepend(ActionButton::make('Link', '/endpoint'));

Remove the delete button:

protected function indexButtons(): ListOf
return parent::indexButtons()->except(fn(ActionButton $btn) => $btn->getName() === 'resource-delete-button');

Clear the button set and add your own:

protected function indexButtons(): ListOf
parent::indexButtons()->empty()->add(ActionButton::make('Link', '/endpoint'));

The same approach is used for the table on the detail page, only through the methods detailButtons and customDetailButtons.

For bulk actions, you need to add the bulk method.

protected function customIndexButtons(): ListOf
return parent::customIndexButtons()->add(ActionButton::make('Link', '/endpoint')->bulk());


To add attributes for the td element of the table, you can use the customWrapperAttributes method on the field that represents the cell you need.

protected function indexFields(): iterable
return [
// ..
Text::make('Title')->customWrapperAttributes(['width' => '20%']);
// ..

You can also customize tr and td for the table with data through the resource. To do this, you need to use the corresponding methods trAttributes() and tdAttributes(), to which you need to pass a closure that returns an array of attributes for the table component.

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use Closure;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Text;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\ModelResource;
use MoonShine\Contracts\Core\TypeCasts\DataWrapperContract;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected function tdAttributes(): Closure
return fn(?DataWrapperContract $data, int $row, int $cell) => [
'width' => '20%'
protected function trAttributes(): Closure
return fn(?DataWrapperContract $data, int $row) => [
'data-tr' => $row


Click Actions

By default, clicking on tr does nothing, but you can change the behavior to navigate to editing, selection, or to the detailed view.

// ClickAction::SELECT, ClickAction::DETAIL, ClickAction::EDIT
protected ?ClickAction $clickAction = ClickAction::SELECT;

Sticky Header

The model resource property stickyTable allows you to fix the header when scrolling a table with a large number of elements.

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use MoonShine\Laravle\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
protected bool $stickyTable = true;
// ...

Column Display

You can allow users to independently determine which columns to display in the table while retaining their selection. To do this, you need to set the parameter $columnSelection for the resource.

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
protected bool $columnSelection = true;

If you need to exclude fields from the selection, use the columnSelection() method.

public function columnSelection(bool $active = true)
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\ID;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Text;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Textarea;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected string $model = Post::class;
protected string $title = 'Posts';
protected bool $columnSelection = true;
protected function indexFields(): iterable
return [


To change the number of items per page, use the property $itemsPerPage.

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
// ..
protected int $itemsPerPage = 25;


When dealing with a large volume of data, the best solution is to use cursor pagination.

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
// ..
protected bool $cursorPaginate = true;


If you do not plan to display the total number of pages, use Simple Pagination. This avoids additional queries for the total number of records in the database.

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
// ...
protected bool $simplePaginate = true;
// ...

![img] (/storage/docs-assets/3.x/screenshots/resource_simple_paginate_dark.png)

Disable Pagination

If you do not plan to use pagination, it can be disabled.

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
// ...
protected bool $usePagination = false;
// ...

Async Mode

In the resource, async mode is used by default. This mode allows for pagination, filtering, and sorting without page reloads. However, if you want to disable async mode, you can use the property $isAsync.

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
// ...
protected bool $isAsync = false;
// ...

Updating a row

You can asynchronously update a row in the table by triggering the event:

  • {{componentName}} - the name of the component;
  • {{row-id}} - the key of the row item.

To add an event, you can use the helper class:

AlpineJs::event(JsEvent::TABLE_ROW_UPDATED, 'main-table-{row-id}')
  • {row-id} - shortcode for the id of the current model record.
namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\Support\Enums\JsEvent;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\ID;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Switcher;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Text;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Textarea;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\ModelResource;
use MoonShine\Support\AlpineJs;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected function fields(): iterable
return [
events: [AlpineJs::event(JsEvent::TABLE_ROW_UPDATED, 'index-table-{row-id}')]

The withUpdateRow() method is also available, which helps simplify the assignment of events:

namespace App\MoonShine\Resources;
use App\Models\Post;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\ID;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Switcher;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Text;
use MoonShine\UI\Fields\Textarea;
use MoonShine\Laravel\Resources\ModelResource;
class PostResource extends ModelResource
protected function fields(): iterable
return [



You can completely replace or modify the resource's TableBuilder for both the index and detail pages. Use the modifyListComponent or modifyDetailComponent methods for this.

public function modifyListComponent(ComponentContract $component): ComponentContract
return parent::modifyListComponent($component)->customAttributes([
'data-my-attr' => 'value'
public function modifyDetailComponent(MoonShineRenderable $component): MoonShineRenderable
return parent::modifyDetailComponent($component)->customAttributes([
'data-my-attr' => 'value'

Elements thead, tbody, tfoot

If it is not enough to just automatically output fields in thead, tbody, and tfoot, you can override or extend this logic based on the resource methods thead(), tbody(), tfoot().

use MoonShine\Contracts\UI\Collection\TableRowsContract;
use MoonShine\Contracts\UI\TableRowContract;
use MoonShine\UI\Collections\TableCells;
use MoonShine\UI\Collections\TableRows;
protected function thead(): null|TableRowsContract|Closure
return static fn(TableRowContract $default) => TableRows::make([$default])->pushRow(
'td content'
protected function tbody(): null|TableRowsContract|Closure
return static fn(TableRowsContract $default) => $default->pushRow(
'td content'
protected function tfoot(): null|TableRowsContract|Closure
return static fn(?TableRowContract $default) => TableRows::make([$default])->pushRow(
'td content'

Example of adding an additional row in tfoot

protected function tfoot(): null|TableRowsContract|Closure
return static function(?TableRowContract $default, TableBuilder $table) {
$cells = TableCells::make();
$cells->pushCell('1000 р.');
return TableRows::make([TableRow::make($cells), $default]);