The MobileBar component is necessary if you want to customize the mobile dropdown panel according to your needs, as by default it duplicates the content of the TopBar or Sidebar.
You can create a MobileBar using the static method make()
of the MobileBar
make(iterable $components = [])
As a parameter, the make()
method accepts an array of components.
namespace App\MoonShine\Layouts; use MoonShine\UI\Components\Layout\Menu;use MoonShine\UI\Components\Layout\MobileBar; final class MoonShineLayout extends AppLayout{ public function build(): Layout { return Layout::make([ // .. MobileBar::make([ Menu::make() ]), // ... ]); }}
<>< :elements="[['label' => 'Dashboard', 'url' => '/'], ['label' => 'Section', 'url' => '/section']]"/></>