In this example, we will add a bulk
button to the indexButtons
list and edit the titles of all entries in the modal window.
The example uses the system MoonShineUserRoleResource:
If you decide to use this recipe, be sure to add validation and use the example wisely
public function massEdit(MoonShineRequest $request): MoonShineJsonResponse{ MoonshineUserRole::query() ->whereIn('id', $request->array('ids')) ->update([ 'name' => $request->input('name') ]); return MoonShineJsonResponse::make()->toast('Success', ToastType::SUCCESS);} protected function indexButtons(): ListOf{ return parent::indexButtons()->add( ActionButton::make('') ->bulk() ->icon('pencil') ->inModal( 'Mass edit', fn() => FormBuilder::make() ->name('mass-edit') ->fields([ HiddenIds::make($this->getListComponentName()), Text::make('Name')->required(), ]) ->asyncMethod('massEdit', events: [ AlpineJs::event(JsEvent::TABLE_UPDATED, $this->getListComponentName()) ]) ->submit('Save'), ), );}